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- Höschl C.: Fools, morons and AI. What if it becomes possible to create an artificially intelligent moron? Reflex 21/2023, p.25
- Höschl C.: Are energy drinks harmful to the organism and should they be sold only from the age of 18? Reflex.cz, 4.6.2023
- Höschl C.: Why do people vote for populists? Reflex 23/2023, p. 23
- Höschl C.: Ramblings on esoteric spontaneous combustion. Reflex.cz, June 12, 2023.
- Höschl C.: Does free education give children sufficient knowledge? Reflex.cz, 23 June 2023.
- Höschl C.: Is it possible to involve artificial intelligence in the management of our society in the near future? Reflex.cz, 17 July 2023.
- Höschl C.: Petr Pavel or if everyone were a dissident. Reflex 30/2023, p. 19
- Höschl C.: To grade or to evaluate orally? It is best to combine both. Reflex.cz, 30.7.2023
- Höschl C.: Children's dependence on information technology. Parents should start with themselves. Reflex.cz, 3. 8. .2023.
- Höschl C.: By doing good we can sometimes make life difficult for others. Reflex 32/2003, p.29
- Höschl C.: Does every nation have the government it deserves? Reflex 34/2023, p. 28
- Höschl C.: Are energy drinks harmful to the body and should they be sold only from the age of 18? Reflex.cz, 17 July 2023. Reprinted in the Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital Monthly, 8/2023, p. 18.
- Höschl C.: Is it possible to involve artificial intelligence in the management of our society in the near future?Reflex.cz, 4.6.2023. Reprinted in the Bohnice Psychiatric Hospital Monthly, 8/2023, p. 16. .
- Höschl C.: Putin's autocracy or Who can end the war in Ukraine? Reflex.cz, 31. 8. 2023
- Höschl C.: Many people cannot understand Stockholm syndrome. How does it actually arise? Reflex.cz, 5. 9. 2023
- Cyril Höschl, ČRo 2 Prague, guest on How he sees it. Topic: The despair and hopelessness in Morocco is helped by tourists who stayed in the country. 11 September 2023, 8:30-9:00 h, replay 8:30-9:00 p.m.
- Cyril Höschl: The cause of the present state of our society is not the amateurism of the rulers, it is the result of the choices we citizens make. Reflex.cz, 13 September 2023.
- We tend to be attracted to misfortune. Interview MFDnes, 18 September 2023, p. 10.
- Höschl C.: The crowd is dumber than the individuals of which it is composed. Reflex 38/2023, p.21
- Cyril Höschl: Smetana's Vltava and the Israeli anthem or is the similarity purely coincidental? Reflex.cz, 25 September 2023.
- Höschl C.: Will artificial intelligence replace sculptors, painters, writers? Reflex 40/2023, p. 31
- Cyril Höschl: Can a porn actor enjoy normal sex? Reflex.cz, 10 October 2023.
- Höschl C.: The drug of happiness, or What the mother of a junkie would say. Reflex 41/2023, p. 31
- Höschl C.: Can there be homosexuality among animals or does it only occur in humans? Reflex.cz, 27 October 2023.
- Höschl C.: Benefits and mental health. Should the psychological impact of redundancy be taken into account?. Reflex.cz, 9. 11. 2023.
- Höschl C.: The brave woman Jana Černochová. History sometimes gives the truth to the ridiculedReflex 47/2023, p. 31
- Cyril Höschl: Is the world card turning? Primitive attitudes are captivating American universities. Reflex.cz, 26. 11.2023
- Personal bond is the best dissolver of prejudice. Interview, Reflex 48/2023, pp. 28-33
- What has life taught me? Who we are, where we are going and why. Interview, Topic 49/2023, pp. 6-18.
- Höschl C.: Who are the good and bad boys in Palestine? I am very clear about this conflict. And you? Reflex.cz, 6 December 2023
- Cyril Höschl: Czech healthcare suffers from disrespect for patient's time. Reflex 50/2023, p. 31.
- Höschl C.: Let the murderer's name be unspoken and why it can help. Reflex.cz, 3.1.2024
- Höschl C.: How to understand incomprehensible murder. Reflex 1/2024, pp. 8-11.
- Höschl C.: Will the fanatics apologize to the "covid dissidents"? Reflex 3/2024, p. 23.
- Höschl C.: Producers of parasocial relations. Reflex 5/24, p.15
- Höschl C.: Punishment can never be completely fair and the comparison often looks absurd. Reflex.cz.
- It's not just life online that makes the young so fragile. Reflex 9/2024, p. 23
- Höschl C.: Medicine should serve only the patient. We shouldn't send the drivers of tuned-out cars to psychiatry. Reflex 11/2024, p. 23.
- Cyril Höschl: Can the body produce its own "drugs", for example by playing sports or music? Reflex.cz, March 25, 2024.
- I hope they don't ban the song "The Dolls Went Down the Road. Reflex 13/12024, p.23
- Höschl C.: Are there antidepressants that do not cause dizziness and other side effects? Reflex.cz, 12. 4. 2024.
- Cyril Höschl: What Marxism and Woke ideology have in common. Reflex 16/2024, p. 23.
- Cyril Höschl: Is it natural that some men dress up in women's clothes or is it a "deviation"? Reflex.cz, 19.4.2024.
- Höschl C.: Handicap attractiveness and sexual relations. Reflex 19/2024, p. 21.
- Was syphilis a "tax on genius"? Smetana's suffering was not audible in his music, says psychiatrist Cyril Höschl. Lidove noviny, 13 May 2024.
- Some risk factors for mental and neurological diseases overlap. Interview for milan-mundier.webnode.cz. 14.5.2024.
- From hate to violence: when the tipping point occurs. The view of psychiatrist Cyril Höschl. Reflex 21/2024, p. 17
- Cyril Höschl: Why so much national joy over pucks, ice and hockey sticks. Through the eyes of Cyril Höschl, Reflex 22/2024, p. 13.
- The demonstration with batons will not be disrupted by artificial intelligence. Letters to Professor Höschl. Reflex 22/2024, p. 28
- Cyril Höschl: Is the flat earth claim stupid or just another opinion? It's getting harder and harder to think critically. Reflex.cz, 9.6.2024
- Cyril Höschl: The Crow sits by the Crow, or How to understand the mentality of proputin individuals. Reflex.cz, 24 June 2024
- Cyril Höschl: In a serious situation I have no head start as a psychiatrist. Reflex 26/2024, p.20-21.
- Höschl C.: Where Art Ends and Embarrassment Begins. Reflex 29/2024, p. 27
- Höschl C.: Cyril Höschl: Things often move in a different direction than we push them. Babiš is an example. Reflex.cz, 19.7.2024.
- Cyril Höschl: I experienced a miraculous cure in psychiatry. It was the fault of a pharmacist's mistake, not the intervention of God. Reflex.cz.
- Cyril Höschl: Bartoš should not resign. The events surrounding digitalization are reminiscent of the joke about Stalin and the train. Reflex 32/2024.
- Cyril Höschl: Bedřich Smetana's syphilis does not diminish his musical genius. Reflex 34/2024, p.25.
- Cyril Höschl: Laughing Death Syndrome and the fear that the penis will disappear in the belly. Reflex.cz, 28. 8. 2024.
- Cyril Höschl: What causes strange exotic diseases. Reflex 36/2024, p. 23.
- Cyril Höschl: Sexual paraphilia, or Where are the limits of unacceptable behaviour in sex? Reflex.cz, September 17, 2024
- Cyril Höschl: Why many people today are subjected to disinformation and the lure of anti-establishment politicians. Reflex 38/2024, p. 23.
- Cyril Höschl: Taking the next seat with a bag as part of Czech culture? Reflex.cz, 4 October 2024.
- Höschl C.: Just don't think we know how it is ... Interview, Deník N Magazine for 11.-18.10.2024, pp. 2 - 11
- Höschl C: Clichés come and go, Czech language remains. Reflex 42/2024, p.23
- Cyril Höschl: Where do the limits of self-legitimacy lie? We can only partially test it. Reflex.cz, 30 October 2024
- Höschl C: On the prevalence of villains in the school curriculum: ignorance of villains like Hitler and Stalin is dangerous. Reflex 44/2024, p.23
- Cyril Höschl: Even American professionals have succumbed to wishful thinking. Some moods were covered by shame. Reflex 46/2024, p. 23
- Sickness? I'm just being realistic. Interview, Tema, 49, 2024, pp. 14-20.
- Cyril Höschl: Why even animals are jealous. What role does jealousy play in mating? Reflex 49/2024, p. 23
- C. Höschl: Czech "patriots" do not like the adoption of the euro. We can protect ourselves against their flirtation with Putin
- Hoschl C: I am a rabbit or Why we are afraid of our death. Reflex 50/2024, p. 23
- Cyril Höschl: The more smart phones, the less smart people. Is that really true? Reflex.cz, 17 December 2024.
- Cyril Höschl: You want to sound intellectual? Then use ‘discourse’ even if you don't know its meaning. Reflex.cz, 18. 12. 2024
- Cyril Höschl: The head doesn't take incomprehensible killings and many questions remain forever unanswered. Reflex.cz, 21 December 2024. The article was published in Reflex 1/2024.
- Cyril Höschl: Fico's visit to Putin was a theatre that damages Slovakia's relations with the EU and NATO. Reflex.cz, 1.1.2025.
- Cyril Höschl: Why do people make so many New Year's resolutions? A little optimism is better than none. Reflex 1/2025, p. 27
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