Books and chapters in books
- Höschl C.: Sixties. ALMANACH 1919-1994, Gymnázium F.X.Šaldy Liberec, p.56-57.
- M.Komárek: Cyril Höschl. GEN - 3rd Volume, Fischer, Praha, 1995, p.159-167.
- Höschl C.: "Touched with fire". A chapter in the book "Miloš Kopecký - Myself". Eminent publishing, Prague 1996, edited by Pavel Kovář. ISBN 80-85876-29-9.
- Klaus V., Höschl C.: "Is economy behavioral science?" (dialogue). A chapter in book: Klaus V.: The defense of forgotten ideas. Academie Prague 1997, pp. 413-445. ISBN 80-200-0645-1.
- Höschl C.: Foreword. In: Duin N., Sutcliff J.: History of medicine. Czech translation A. Hradilek. Slovart, Praha 1997, 256 s. ISBN-80-85871-04-1.
- Höschl C.: Is an education sufficient defence against xenophobia? In: Czech Xenophobia, Votobia, Praha-Olomouc 1998, pp. 66-72. ISBN 80-7220-044-5.
- Höschl C.: The End of Every Life Is An Apocalypse. Accompanying publication to the exhibition "The End of the World?" in Kinsky Palace, 26.5.-19.11.2000. National Gallery, Praha 2000, p. 32-33. ISBN : 80-7035-210-8.
- Höschl C.: Point of view: everything is in fact different. Galén 2001, Praha, 207p. ISBN 80-7262-109-2
- Höschl C.: Obhajoba nerozpoznaných hodnot [Advocacy to unrecognized values]. Festschrift to Václav Klaus. ODS, Prague 2001.
- Höschl C.: Preface. In : Vladimír Renčín: Good news, bad news. Eminent, Praha 2003, ISBN 80-7281-169-X.
- Höschl C.: Odpovědi bez konce (Unended answers). Galén, Praha Praha 2003, 144 p. ISBN: 80-7262-219-6.
- Höschl C.: Obnova ideje univerzity. Ve: Gratulovník k 80. narozeninám Radima Palouše "Bytí je vlnobití", (Restoration of univesity idea. In: Festschrift to birthday of Radim Palouš "Being is a surf"). pp. 15-25. CTS 2004. ISBN 80-86057-30-5.
- Jeroným Janíček: Cyril Höschl – Kde bydlí lidské duše (Where human souls harbour). Portál, Praha 2004, 173 p. ISBN80-7178-954-2.
- Höschl C.: Contribution to a book "Jsme hrdí na svou zemi?" (Are we proud of our country?). Čs.obec legionářská a Sdružení válečných veteránů ČR, Praha, 2004. pp. 97-98. ISBN 80-903280-3-2.
- Höschl C: Introduction in: Discover the way out [in Czech]. BMS 2004
- Höschl C.: Laudatio to Jaroslav Blahos. In: Ponocná E. (editor): Festschrift in honor of J.Blahos (75th birthday). Praha 2005, pp.18-19
- Höschl C.: Preface. In: Miloš Čermák, Kdyby sólokapři měli křídla aneb Proč nás novináře nikdo nemá rád (If scoops could fly: Why nobody likes us, journalists?). Lidové Noviny Publishing, Prague 2006, ISBN 80-7106-799-700.
- Höschl C.: Encountering Jewry. A chapter in the Memorial volume on the occasion of 100th anniversary of the Jewish Museum in Prague; 2006, pp.90-101. ISBN 80-86889-27-0
- Höschl C.: Interview with Petr Vybíral. In: Cibulka A. et al.(eds): O češtině [On the Czech language]. Česká televize [Czech TV], Praha 2007. ISBN 978-80-85005-83-7, pp.141-145
- Höschl C.: I like essay or That who knows (about dysentery). In: Osvaldová B., Kopáč R.(eds.): Trials and adventures: notes on essay. Prague, Charles University, Karolinum Publishing, 2008, pp.35-36.
- Höschl C.: Felicitation in the Festschrift to Tomas Halik's 60th birthday "All of my roads you have in front of you". Lidove noviny publisher, Prague 2008, pp.132-135
- Höschl C.: Foreword, In: Barunek P.: You do not mean it seriously, doc...! Adamira, Praha 2009, (on p.5). ISBN 80-904217-1-4
- Höschl C., Španiel F.: Art and (neuro)science (pp.113-125). In: David Krámský (ed.) Cognitive science today and tomorrow. Bor Publishing, 2009, ISBN: 978-80-86807-55-3.
- Höschl C.: On multiple worlds of science and on human happiness. In: Daníčková S. (Ed.), Hidden messages of Science [in Czech]. Academia, Praha 2009, pp.15-24. ISBN 978-80-200-1826-7.
- Höschl C.: Foreword. In: Petr Jirounek: Between Prague and Geneva (neuroscience, life chances, and freemasonry) [in Czech]. 1st ed., Galén, Praha 2010, 220p.
- Höschl C.: Values and starting points - questions of C.H. In: Petr Nečas: Hope for responsible policy. HK ODS, 2010, pp. 9-21.
- Contribution to the Festschrift: Rejholec V. (ed.): Josef Koutecký is eighty [in Czech]. Argentum 2010, pp.119-120.
- Interview in the book of Giboda M. "Down to business (K věci); talks of people who have something to say". Jaroslav Karmasek Publishing 2010, pp.113-137.
- Höschl C.: Foreword. In: Ctirad John, Štěpán Svačina (eds.): On the soul of medical student - how a doctor emerges. 1st ed., Triton, Praha 2011, pp 202. ISBN 978-80-7387-513-8.
- „To follow common sense and not to be devoured by ideology“. Transcription of the talk-shaw Chair for Faust 2010. Jaroslav Hořejší (ed.), Galén, 2010, pp. 151-177. ISBN 978-80-7262-710-3.
- Höschl C, Praško J, Rokyta R (eds.). Emotions in medicine [In Czech: Emoce v medicíně]. Academia Medica Pragensis, Praha 2011
- Höschl C.: Foreword (pp. 6-7). In: Klára A. Samková. Roma issue (Psychological reasons of social exclusion of Roma). 1st edition, Blinkr, Prague 2011, 95 pp. ISBN 978-80-87579-03-9.
- Cyril Höschl (intermezzo) in: Matějková J.: Grandpa was not afraid, too. Interview with Alexandr Vondra. Paseka, Praha-Litomyšl 2012, p. 204.
- Höschl C.: These are paradoxes, right, Mr. Havel? In: Casual portrait of Vaclav Havel. Vaclav Havel Library, Prague 2013 (reprinted from MFD), p.226
- Höschl C. The magic word "after". In: Dear Radim; Festschrift to 70 birthday of Radim Palouš. Letters 14 of the Library of Vaclav Havel, Prague 2013, pp. 94-93
- Höschl C.: Last time for politicians to catch the nose. In: Kubík J. The castle and below the castle (Czechlands on the way from Havel to Zeman). Vyd. Host - vydavatelství, s.r.o., 2013. Str. 133-141. ISBN 978-80-7294-968-7.
- Chapter in the book: Tomáš Bouška, Klára Lorencová, Tomáš Němeček (eds.): "Twenty years of The Czech Republic", reflections on the Czech (un)successes" (pp. 20-21). Published on the occasion of the conference of Aspen Institute Prague, 2013. 92 pp. ISBN 978-80-260-5095-7.
- Höschl C. Stručně a Jasně [Concisely and clearly]. Galén, Praha 2013. ISBN 978-80-7492-060-8 (zobrazit stránku)
- Höschl C. Back to Methuselah. Catalogue States of Mind/Beyond the Image. Permanent exhibition of GASK - Gallery of Central Bohemian Region. GASK, Kutná Hora 2014, pp.109-116. ISBN 978-80-7056-185-0
- Höschl C. Dramatic changes in doctor-patient relationship. In: Cílek V (ed.). Something had to happen. Novela Bohemica, 2014
- Höschl C. Foreword. In: Weiss P, Ondřichová L. Navigation in sex. Columbus, Praha 2014
- Höschl C. Silverhaired knight Jiří Horák. In: Veis J (ed.): Medicine is an extraordinary job (Festschrift to 70th Anniversary of prof.MUDr. Jiří Horák, CSc.). Charles University in Prague, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, 2015, 122 pp.
- Höschl C. České kružítko [Czech Compasses]. Galén, Praha 2016, 246pp.
- Höschl C. On the mental pain, infinity of our mind etc. Chapters in a book edited by Vladimir Mertlik, "Hello doc" (transcription of dialogues for Radio Signal and Country Radio), pp. 111-120 and 121-129. Euromedia, 2017; 263pp. ISBN: 978-80-7549-507-5.
- Höschl C. Pains of soul [Bolesti duše]. In: Mertlík V. Hi, doc! [Zdravíčko doktore]. Talks with doctors on your health. Euromedia, 2017, pp. 111-120. ISBN 978-80-7549-507-5
- Höschl C. Eternity of our mind and soul. In: Mertlík V. Hi, doc! [Zdravíčko doktore]. Talks with doctors on your health. Euromedia, 2017, pp. 120-129. ISBN 978-80-7549-507-5
- Höschl C. Why do I love music... [Proč mám rád hudbu]. In: Koutecký J.: My third love [Moje třetí láska]. Seventy seven stoppings with music. [Sedmdesát sedm zastavení s hudbou], pp. 33-35.ISBN 978-80-87079-49-2
- Höschl C. Culinary is an art discipline. In: Souček M, Svačina Š (eds.): Cookbook of the Czech Physicians 2. Prague, Axonite 2017, pp. 30-31.
- Höschl C. Immortal mortality. In: Zapletal M. Immortal famous young old men. Mladá Fronta 2018, pp.194-195. ISBN 978-80-204-4953-5
- Höschl C. Epilogue to the novel of Karel Pecka „Fever“. In: Constellation Gulag of Karel Pecka, pp. 440-441. ISBN 978-80-270-4165-7
- Höschl C. Trouble is an opportunity. But only sometimes. In: Big book of fuckups. In preparation.
- Interview with psychiatrist Cyril Höschl. In: Mühlfeit J, Novotná K. Unlocking the Children's Potential. Management Press 2018, pp. 230-239.
- Höschl C. Year 2006. In: 100 – our family album. Paseka, 2018, 224 pp.
- Höschl C. Fuckup can be an opportunity - but not always. In: Studeník T, Brezina I (Eds.): Great book of fuckups. Jan Melvil Publishing, Brno 2018, pp.89-94
- Höschl C. Fools are somewhere completely else than in sanatoria. In: Folta A. Interviews on the Edge of Tomorrow. 65th Field, 2019, p. 91
- Höschl C.: Reflections (columns from the Magazine Reflex). Praha, Galén 2019, 235 pp. ISBN 978-80-7492-451-4.
- Interview in book: 17 faculties on November 17th. Charles University, Karolinum Publishing House 2019, pp. 214-222. ISBN 978-80-246-4472-1.
- Interview in the book: Talks with Doctors (by Barbara Nesvadbová and Jakub Knězů), pp. 128-143. Euromedia Group, 2019, 189 pages, ISBN: 978-80-242-6326-7.
- Höschl C. Ethical dilemmas in the age of information technology. In: Bartůněk P., Ptáček R. Technological advances in medicine in ethical and psychological contexts. Grada, Prague 2020, pp. 89-91
- Höschl C. Albertov reminiscences. In: Svačina Š, Meister K (eds.): A man who was not afraid to ask. Memories of Ctirad John. Axonite, Mlečice 2020, pp.38-40. ISBN 978-80-88046-22-6
- Interview with Jitka Novotná in the book Silver Wind. Radioservis a.s., Prague 2020, pp. 96-111. ISBN: 978-80-88286-17-2.
- Höschl C.: Milestones in the field of psychiatry in the last 100 years (pp. 309-311). In: Changes in time - changes in health (100 years of the Czech population from the perspective of the clinician, pathologist and representatives of the main medical specializations). Eds.: Petr Bartůněk and Ctibor Povýšil, 2020; Optio cz sro. Total pages 348, ISBN: 978-80-88011-07-01.
- Medallion in the publication 100 scientists (2012-2020). Institute of Informatics AS CR, Prague 2021.
- Höschl C., Winkler P .: Covid-19 Pandemic and Mental Health. In: Václav Klaus, Jiří Weigl (eds), Reason against Covid panic. Václav Klaus Institute, Prague, 2021, pp. 99-102, total pp. 205. ISBN 978-80-7452-072--5.
- Höschl C.: Grußworte. In: Grof B. (ed.): Stanislav Grof und das LSD: Von der Pharmakologie zu den Archetypen. Nachtschatten Verl. AG, 2021, pp 23-27. ISBN 978-3-03788-487-4
- Höschl C.: Principles of communication with the patient, pp. 85-88. In: Etiquette for doctors, health professionals and helping professions. EEZY Publishing, s.r.o., 2021. ISBN 978-80-908101-4-3. 267 pages.
- Höschl C.: I fear that the break will be irreversible. Omicron is a good opportunity to immunize the population. Interview with Daniel Kaiser. In. Interviews of 50 personalities. Edition Echo, Echo Media, a.s., 2022, pp. 100-113. ISBN 978-80-907406-6-2.
- So what's the point. How to read your life. Mladá Fronta, 2023, 225 pages. ISBN: 978-80-204-6239-8.
- "How Princess Diana lifted the rector's spectacles, or the nineties full of enthusiasm and extraordinary encounters", pp. 41-62. In: 70 Years of Teaching Medicine at the Vinohrady Medical Campus, editors Jolana Boháčková, Petr Widimský, 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University, 2023. ISBN 978-80-7476-311-3
- Höschl C.: Causality in complex systems at the interface of philosophy and empirical sciences. In: A collection of essays on the 80th birthday of Otak A. Fundy. Paitlová Jitka (ed). University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Philosophy, pp. 21-34. ISBN: 978-80-261-1186-3.
- Höschl C.: How it goes with people. Preface to the book Jan Zrzavý, Vojtěch Novotný. Pages 297-306. Publishing house Dokořán, s.r.o., Prague 2024. ISBN 978-80-7675-137-8.
- See also Monographs and chapters in books