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  1. Höschl C., Balon R.: II.škola mladých psychiatrů (2nd School of young psychiatrists). Čas.Lék. čes., 120, 1981,31-32: 968.
  2. Höschl C.: III. světový kongres biologické psychiatrie, Stockholm, 28.6.- 3.7.1981 (3rd World congress of biological psychiatry). Čas. Lék. čes., 120, 1981, 52: 1607-1609.
  3. Höschl C.: VIII. jugoslávsko-československý psychiatrický kongres, Šibenik, 7. -10.10.1982. Čas. Lék. čes., 122, 1983, 21: 667.
  4. Höschl C.: IV. symposium psychopharmacologicum, Bratislava-Smolenice, 18.-21.10. 1983. Čas. Lék. čes.,123, 1984, 30: 941.
  5. Höschl C.: IV.světový kongres biologické psychiatrie, Filadelfie, Penn., USA, 8.-13.září 1985 (4th World congress of biological psychiatry). Čas.Lék.čes., 125, 1986, 11: 343-344.
  6. Höschl C.: XVI. Kongres Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum. Čas.Lék.čes.,128,1989,2:62-63.
  7. Höschl C.: European College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology, Göteborg, Sweden. Čas. Lék. čes., 128, 1989, 41: 1307-1308.
  8. Höschl C.: 143. Výroční zasedání Americké psychiatrické asociace (143. Annual meeting of American Psychiatric Association). Čas.Lék.čes., 129, 1990, 41:1307-1308.
  9. Höschl C.: Nesnáze psychiatrů v USA (Troubles of psychiatrists in USA). (Zpráva). Čas.Lék.čes., 129,1990,44:1383.
  10. Höschl C.: 143. výroční zasedání Americké psychiatrické asociace 12.-17.5.1990 v New Yorku (143. Annual meeting of American Psychiatric Association). Bratisl.Lek. Listy, 91,1990,11:855-857.
  11. Höschl C.: 5th congress European College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (ECNP) - Marbella, Spain, October 18-22, 1992 (cest. zpráva). Signály z psychiatrie,8,1992,5:43-53.
  12. Höschl C.: 5. kongres European College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (ECNP) - Marbella, October 18-22, 1992. Čas. Lék. čes., 132, 1993, 13: 410-412.
  13. Höschl C.: 1st International congress "Brain, Hormones and Neuro psychopharmacology", Rhodos, Greece, September 13-17, 1993. Čas. Lék. čes., 132, 1993, 23: 724-725.
  14. Höschl C.: Zpráva z 9.kongresu WPA - Rio de Janeiro. (Report on 9th World psychiatric congress). Česko - slovenská psychiatrie, 90, 1994, 1: 56-62
  15. Höschl C.: Zpráva o pracovní schůzce ESF/EMRC. (Report on ESF/EMRC workshop). Čas. Lék. čes., 133, 1994, 13: 413.
  16. Höschl C.: 148. výroční zasedání Americké psychiatrické asociace, Miami Beach, Florida, 20.-25.května 1995. (148. Annual meeting of APA). MEDICÍNA, 2, 1995, 7: 11.
  17. dtto, Čes. a slov. Psychiatr., 91, 1995, 6, s. 371-373
  18. dtto, Čas.Lék.Čes., 135, 1996, 6: 193.
  19. dtto, Vita Nostra Revue, 1-2/1996, str. 74-76.
  20. Höschl C.: 149. výroční zasedání Americké psychiatrické asociace, New York, USA, 4.-9.5.1996. (149. Annual meeting of APA). MEDICÍNA, 3, 1996, 7-8: 15..
  21. Höschl C., Libiger J.: XX. Congress Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum. Melbourne, Australia, June 23.-27.1996. MEDICÍNA, III. 1996, 10: 10-15
  22. Höschl C.: World Summit of Deans and Experts on Health and Medical Education. Argentina, Buenos Aires Sept. 3.-7., 1996. MEDICÍNA, III. 1996, 11: 1 + 11.
  23. dtto Alma Mater, 6, 1996, 5: p. 288-298
  24. "From the travel to Argentina" (from the report of prof. Höschl, revised by editor of the journal Forum). Forum, vol. III, No. 4, Nov. 18, 1996, p. 14.
  25. Höschl C., Libiger J.: X. World Congress WPA, Madrid, August 23 - 28, 1996, Čas. Lék. čes., 136, 1997, 3: 99-100.
  26. Höschl C.: "Human rights and psychiatry". Psychiatrie, 1, 1997, 2: 86.
  27. Höschl C., Libiger J.: 10th Congres European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP). Psychiatrie, 1, 1997, 3-4:140-143.
  28. Höschl C.: Psychiatry and ethics. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 1: 40-43.
  29. Höschl C.: WPA Thematic Conference: The synthesis betwen psychopharmacology and psychotherapy. Jerusalem, Izrael 14.-22.1997. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 1: 48-50.
  30. Höschl C.: Global Medical Conference: Focus on Schizophrenia 5.-7.2.1998 Luzern, Switzerland. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 2:127-131.
  31. Höschl C.: Spolupráce nebo konkurence (Collaboration or competition?). Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 2:132-135.
  32. Höschl C.: Impact of new achievements on psychiatric praxis. Thematic conference of East Mediterian region. Lebanon, Beirut, April 15-18, 1998. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 3: 185-186.
  33. Höschl C.: 151. Annual Meeting of American psychiatric Association. Canada, Toronto, May 30 - June 6, 1998. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 3: 186-188.
  34. Höschl C.: Exclusive interview with Richard Balon for the journal Psychiatrie. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 3: 194-195.
  35. Höschl C.: 9th biennial workshop on schizophrenia - II. Davos, Switzerland, February 7- 13, 1988. Psychiatrie 2, 1998,4:263-266.
  36. Höschl C.: 9th AEP Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 20-24,1998. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 3:271-274.
  37. Höschl C.: 11th Congress of European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Paris, October 31 - November 4, 1998. Psychiatrie, 3, 1999, 1:52-55.
  38. Höschl C.: 9th biennial workshop on schizophrenia - I. Davos, Switzerland, February 7- 13, 1988. Psychiatrie 2, 1998, 3: 189-194.
  39. Höschl C.: 9th biennial workshop on schizophrenia - II. Davos, Switzerland, February 7- 13, 1988. Psychiatrie 2, 1998,4:263-266
  40. Anděl M., Arenberger P., Baráková D., Hahn A., Höschl C., Lebl J., Medová E., Pachl J., Svoboda B., Šimek J., Šprindrich J.,Vyhnánek F.: Training of doctors. Assessment by the group of 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University . TEMPUS "EUROSKILLS" Project S-JEP 11460-96, 1999.
  41. Höschl C.: 41. Annual Czecho-Slovak Neuropsychopharmacological meeting, January 5-9,1999. Psychiatrie, 3, 1999,1:45-46.
  42. Höschl C.: Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Report of the conference on ageing (Institute of Experimental Medicine, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague 9 Feb 1999). Akademický bulletin AV ČR 1999; 8:AB5-AB6. ISSN1210-9525.
  43. Höschl C.: 2nd Faculty member Meeting in Malelane, South Africa, The Lundbeck International Neuroscience Foundation. Psychiatrie, 3, 1999, 2:119-120.
  44. Höschl C.: Decline of serotonin? (Remeron Scientific Expert Meetin, 25. – 27. February 1999, Monte Carlo). Psychiatrie, 3, 1999, 2:120-124.
  45. Höschl C.: First meeting collaborating centers of WHO. Psychiatrie, 3, 1999, 2:126.
  46. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Conference "A Critical Appraisal of Medical Education", Linköping, Sweden, August 29 - September 1, 1999. Vita Nostra Servis, 31/1999, p. 2-11.
  47. Höschl C.: 152nd Annual Meeting of Americal psychiatric Association. Washington, USA, May 15-20, 1999. Psychiatrie 3, 1999, 3:195-201.
  48. Höschl C., Horáček J., Soukupová N.: 11th World Psychiatric Congress, Hamburg, August 6-11, 1999. Psychiatrie 3, 1999, 4:264-269.
  49. Höschl C.: XIIth Congress of ECNP (European College of Neuropsychopharmacology), London, September 21-25, 1999. Psychiatrie 3, 1999, 4:269-273.
  50. Höschl C.: Living bonsai. (Report on the article from Science 285: 2126-2129). Vesmír 78, 1999, 12:707.
  51. Höschl C.: A critical appraisal of medical education, Linköping, Sweden, August 29 - September 1, 1999. Psychiatrie, 4, 2000, 2:134-137.
  52. Höschl C.: 4th World Congress on depressive disorders and International symposium on violence and aggressive behaviour. Argentina, Mendoza, 13.–16.9.2000. Psychiatrie, 4, 2000, 4:268.
  53. Höschl C.: Doc. MUDr. Zdeněk Dytrych, CSc. celebrates his 70. Česká a Slovenská psychiatrie, 96, 2000, 11:437.
  54. Horáček Jiří, Höschl C.: Mysl se setkává s mozkem (Mind meets brain. Report from the APA Congress, New Orleans 5. – 10.5.2001). Psychiatrie, 5, 2001, 3:210-212.
  55. Höschl C.: 5th WHO meeting of national counterparts (European program on mental health), Bucharest, Romania, April 3-7, 2002. Psychiatrie, 6, 2002, 2:135-136.
  56. Höschl C.: 1st meeting of International society of affective disorders. Psychiatrie, 6, 2002, 2:137-139.
  57. Höschl C.: 11th congress of European Psychiatrists (AEP), Stockholm, Sweden, 4-9 May, 2002. Psychiatrie 6 , 2002, 3:186-188.
  58. Höschl C.: Růžičková M.: XXIII. Congress Collegium International Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP), Montreal, canada, 22-28 June, 2002. Psychiatrie 6, 2002, 3:194-2001.
  59. Höschl C.: I. mezinárodní výcvikové setkání o organizaci psychiatrické péče (1st International Training Forum on Mental Health Polic Making and Service Development). Tunis, Kartágo, 26.-30.11.2002. Psychiatrie, 7, 2003, 1:58-60.
  60. Höschl C.: Pokroky ve vědě a diagnostika v psychiatrii. (Progress in neuroscience and diagnostics in psychiatry. Report on WPA Thematic Conference). WPA Thematic Conference, Vienna (Hofburg), 18.-22.6.2003. Psychiatrie, 7, 2003, 3:222-224.
  61. Höschl C.: V. Congreso Mundial de Estados Depresivos (5th World Congress on Depressive Disordes), 24.-27.9.2003, Mendoza, Argentina. Psychiatrie, 7, 2003, 4:304.
  62. Höschl C.: Project Golem 2003-5764, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1.-31.10.2003. Psychiatrie, 7, 2003, 4:304-305.
  63. Höschl C.: Mental Health in Europe – New Challenges, New Opportunities, 9.-11.10.2003, Bilbao, Španělsko. Psychiatrie, 7, 2003, 4:306-307.
  64. Höschl C.: Second International training forum on mental health, human rights and legislation, Ženeva, 8.-12.11.2003. Psychiatrie 8, 2004; 1:74.
  65. Höschl C.: First meeting of the mental health working party. European Commisssion, Luxembourg, 25.-26. listopadu 2003. Psychiatrie 8, 2004; 1:75.
  66. Höschl C.: 7th meeting of national counterparts of the WHO European mental health programme. Psychiatrie 8, 2004; 1:84.
  67. Höschl C.: 157th Annual meeting of American Psychiatric Association, New York, 1.-6.5.2004. Psychiatrie, 8,2004,2:166-167.
  68. Höschl C.: 12th congres Asociation of European psychiatrists (AEP), Geneva, Switzerland, April 14-18, 2004. Psychiatrie, 8,2004,2:149-152.
  69. Höschl C.: Neuroscience Global Medical Confrence, New York April 29-30,2004. Psychiatrie 8, 2004, 3:241-243.
  70. Höschl C.: 24. Congress CINP (Collegium International Neuropsychophar-macologicum), Paris, France, June 20-24,2004. Psychiatrie, 8, 2004, 3:246-247.
  71. Höschl C.: Modern Biology and Visions of Humanity. Evropská komise, Genova, Italy, April 22-23,2004. Psychiatrie, 8, 2004, 3:248.
  72. Höschl C.: Mental Health Working Party, European Commission, Luxemburg 21-23 September 2004. Psychiatrie 8, 2004, 4:333.
  73. Höschl C.: VISION Scientific Summit 2004 (Voicest that Influence the Study and Innovation of Neuroscience) Malta, Portomaso. Psychiatrie 8, 2004, 4:334.
  74. Höschl C.: VII. celostátní psychofarmakologická konference s mezinárodní účastí Maďarské psychofarmakologické společnosti. Tihany, Hungary, September 30-October 22004. Psychiatrie 8, 2004, 4:335.
  75. Höschl C.: II. česko-slovenské neuropsychiatrické sympozium a 4. minikonference CNS, Český Krumlov, 23-25 September 2004. Psychiatrie 8, 2004, 4:336.
  76. Höschl C.: 3rd meeting of IMHPA (Implementing Mental Health Promotion Action), European commission, Brusel, Belgium March 13-15,2005. Psychiatrie, 9, 2005, 2:167.
  77. Höschl C.: 6th Meeting of Leaders of European Psychiatry, München, Germany. April 2, 2005. Psychiatrie, 9,2005, 2:170.
  78. Höschl C.: 3rd Meeting of the working Party on Mental Health. EC, Luxembourg, May 30-31,2005. Psychiatrie, 9, 2005, 3:248-249.
  79. 158th Annual Meeting of American Psychiatric Association (APA), May 21-26, 2005, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Psychiatrie 9, 2005, 3:251-254.
  80. Höschl C.: 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Austria, Wien, June 28- July 3,2005. Psychiatrie 9, 2005, 3:259-261.
  81. Höschl C.: The best of psychopharmacology. 44th Annual meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hilton, Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 11.-15.Dec 2005. Psychiatrie 10, 2006, 1:42-48.
  82. Höschl C.: Green paper on mental health consultation. First thematic meeting of the group "Platform on mental Health" with subgroup "Interface Between research and policy". EC, Luxembourg, January 15-17,2006. Psychiatrie, 10; 2006,2:124-126.
  83. Höschl C.: 9th meeting of the European National Counterparts for the WHO Mental Health Programme. 30 March - 1 April 2006, Chania, Greece. Psychiatrie, 10; 2006, 3:186-188.
  84. Höschl C.: 61. Annual meeting of the society for Biological psychiatry. Toronto, Ontario, Canada 18-20, May 2006. Psychiatrie, 10; 2006, 3:188-191.
  85. Höschl C.: Report from the Spring Meeting of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine. Revue Czech Medical Academy, 2006, 3:21.
  86. Höschl C.: 25. kongres CINP, 9.-13.7.2006. Chicago, USA. Psychiatrie 10; 2006, 4:251-252.
  87. Höschl C., Horáček J.: 45th Annual conference of the American College of neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Dec 3-7, 2006, Hollywood, Florida, USA. Psychiatrie 11, 2007; 1:51-58.
  88. Höschl C.: 45th Anniversary of Prague Psychiatric Center. Česká a Slovenská psychiatrie, 103; 2007, 3:136-137.
  89. Höschl C.: Breifly from Europe. Psychiatrie 12; 2008, 4:226.
  90. Novotný V., Höschl C.: 11th meeting LINF, Ilulissat, Greenland. Psychiatrie 13, 2009; 2-3:124-125.
  91. Höschl C, Horáček J, Brunovský M, Bubeníková-Valešová V. American College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (ACNP) 49th Annual Meeting. Psychiatrie 15,2011;1:42-47
  92. Höschl C.: American Psychiatric Association, 166th Annual Meeting, 18.-23.5.2013, San Francisco, USA. Psychiatrie, 17; 2013, 2:100-101.
  93. Höschl C.: American Psychiatric Association, 168th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada May 16-20, 2015. Psychiatrie, 19; 2015, 2:113-114.
  94. Höschl C. Spring conference of Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) 2015 with significant contribution of CMA. Revue of the Czech Medical Academy, 12, 2016:4-5
  95. Höschl C. Prof. MUDr. Jaromír Švestka, DrSc., FCMA - 80th birthday. Psychiatrie 2/2017:107
  96. Höschl C.: Prof. MUDr. Jan Libiger, CSc., FCMA, seventy years old. Psychiatrie, 22; 2018, 2:102-103
  97. Lungs and brain under pressure from a pandemic. Medical Tribune, volume XVII, number 18/2021, 21.9.2021. Summary of the lecture "Impact of Covid-19 on mental health", Spring interactive conference of the Society of General Medicine of the Czech Medical Association JEP, Prague, Top hotel, September 3, 2021