CH awarded by the prime minister Mirek Topolanek with the Prize ´Ceska hlava´, 2008
With the Czech prime minister Mirek Topolanek, Prague 2008
With a violinist Pavel Sporcl, (Gala show Ceska hlava 18 Nov 2008)
With wife and friends in Africa, February 2009
Ananda van der Merwe, Vl.Suchánek, CH, J.Štenclová, Z.Adamovská, R.John, Eva a Lad.Špaček, 2009.
Riding horses with the wife and friends in South African vineyards (2009)
With baboons in Africa, February 2009
Riding horse with vine-journalist Radek John, Rhebokskloof vineyard, 2009
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