Congresses organization
- National conferences of biological psychiatry, Karlovy Vary 1983, 1985, 1987, 1989
- IBRO, Prague, September 1990, (chairmanship, organizing committee)
- Symposium on Calcium Antagonists, 143. A.P.A. meeting, New York, May 1990 (with drs.Berlant, Dubovsky, and Franks).
- International CIANS/ISBM conference, Prague, June 21-23, 1990 (chairmanship, organizing committee)
- International conference at the occassion of 30th Anniversary of PCP, president
- Meeting on neuroscience, SN ČLS J.E.P., coordinator, 19.11.1991, Praha
- "Satelite symposium C.I.N.P. "Prediction in psychopharmacology, Prague June 28-July 2,1992, president
- International symposium on "BRAIN and MIND", Praha, CTS, Sept.1993; member, organizing committee
- WHO/EMRC Workshop on Medical Research. Prague, Jan. 12 - 13. 1993.
- Workshop on Controlling Internal Grant Agency. Prague, Ministry of Health, Jan. 15-18, 1993.
- Symposium on Psychiatry in Central and Eastern European Countries (with N.Sartorius): 1stInternational Congress on Hormones, Brain and Psychopharmacology, Rhodos, Sept.12-18,
- Conference on HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT OF THE MENTAL HEALTH CARE, Praha, Sept.29-Oct.2,1993, president
- Symposium on Prediction in psychopharmacology, XIX.CINP Congress, Washington DC.,June 26-July 1,1994, chairman
- 1st Conference of The Czech Neuroscience Society (member, organizing committee), Prague, October 23-25, 1994
- 7th Congress of Association of European Psychiatrists, 18-22 September 1994, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Xth World Psychiatric Congress, Madrid, Aug.23-28,1996, member, Program Scientific Committee.
- 1st International Conference on the New Medical Curriculum (chairman, organizing committee). Prague, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, January 9 – 10, 1998.
- Congress AEP 2000 Prague (Association of European Psychiatrists), October 28 – November 1, 2000. (Member, organizing committee).
- European College of psychopharmacology (ECNP), Praha, 20.-24.9.2003 (member "Scientific Programme Committee" and "Local advice")
- Scientific Committee Member, 19th ECNP Congress, France, Paris,16.-20.9.2006
- President, XVth European Psychiatric Congress (AEP), Madrid 2007
- Member, Scientific Committee, XIV World Congress of Psychiatry, Prague 2008
- Scientific committee, 1st European Conference on Schizophrenia Research, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 26-28, 2007.
- Member, Organizing Committee of the 6th Neuroscience conference with international participation "Theoretical and clinical implications of neuroscience". IKEM, Prague, November 19-20, 2007
- President, XVIth European Psychiatric Congress (AEP), Nice, France, April 3-9,2008.
- 3rd Czech-slovak neuropsychoatric symposium. Andy Warhol Museum, Medzilaborce, Slovakia, 15 May 2008. member, organitzin and programme committee.
- Member, International Scientific Committee, Controversies in Psychiatry (COPSy), June 18-21,2009, Berlin, Germany
- EPA session- Beyond psychopharmacology-impact of trust, culture, and migration. 21st ECNP Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 30Aug-3 Sep 2008
- Member, Scientific Committee, 11th Central European Neuropsychopharmacological Symposium, Belgrade, Serbia, 19-22 October 2008
- Regional conference with international participation, Kosice, Slovakia, 17 Dec 2008
- Chairman, Core Organizing and Scientific Committee, 17th European Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal, January 24-28, 2009
- EPA/ECNP regional workshop "Psychopharmacology of anxiety disorders in light of new classification systems (ICD-11, DSM-V)". Košice, hotel Bankov, 25.-27.6.2009.
- Symposium EPA/ECNP "The ICD-11 and DSM-V in preparation: consequences for research and action (C.Hoschl, moderator). 22nd ECNP Congress, 12-16 September 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.
- FEAM autumn conference on mental health and aging. Prague, Sept. 16-18, 2009
- 2nd European Conference on Schizophrenia Research. Berlin, Germany, 21-23 Sept 2009
- Member, International Scientific Programme Committee, 10th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 May - 2 June 2011
- 1st International Congress on Neurobiology and Clinical Psychopharmacology & European Psychiatric Association on Treatment Guidance. Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-29 Nov 2009
- Symposium Prediction of a therapeutic response in psychopharmacology. 52nd Czech-Slovak psychopharmacological conference. Jeseník Spa, 6.-10.1.2010.
- Member, Scientific Committee, 16th Biennial IPEG Congress, 7-10 Oct 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
- President, 3rd Interdisciplinary Medical Congress of the Czech Medical Academy "Emotions in medicine". Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), 26-28 Nov 2010
- Member, organizing committee, 53rd Czech-Slovak Psychopharmacological Conference, Jesenik Spa, 5-9 Jan 2011
- Member, Scientific Programme Committee, 19th European Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria, March 13-15, 2011
- Member, Programme Committee, Discovery Research in Neuropsychiatry: Depression, Anxiety and Schizophrenia in Focus. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, March 18-19, 2011 (on the occasion of Hungarian EU presidency)
- President, 4th Interdisciplinary Congress of the Czech Medical Academy "Emotions in medicine II", Karlovy Vary 20-22 October 2011
- Chairman, Local organizing committee, 20th European Psychiatric Congress, Prague 3-6 March 2012
- Member, Scientific Committee, 25th Danubian Psychiatric Symposium, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2012
- Honorary chairman of the organizing committee, Student's scientific conference "Ageing 2012", Praha 26-27 Oct 2012
- Scientific committee member, V. interdisciplinary congress of the Czech medical Academy "Emotions in medicine III", Karlovy Vary, 15-17 Nov 2012
- Congress president, 56. Annual meeting of the Czech Neuro-Psychopharmacological society, Lázně Jeseník, 8.-12.1.2014
- Scientific Programme Committee member, 22nd European Congress of Psychiatry, Munich, March 1-4,2014.
- Organization of CNPS-TAP symposium, 6th International Congress on Psychopharmacology and 2nd International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, Antalya, Turkey 16-20 April 2014
- Honorary committee member, 4th Slovak Neuropsychiatric Congress with International participation. Jasná, Demänovská Dolina, Slovakia, 15-16 May 2014
- Scientific Comittee Member, 23rd European Congress of Psychiatry. Vienna, Austria 28-31 March 2015
- Scientific Committee member, VIII. Interdisciplinary Congress of the Czech Medical Academy, Mariánské Lázně, 26.-28.11.2015
- EC member, 58. Annual meeting of the Czech Neuro-Psychopharmacological society, Lázně Jeseník, 6.-10.1.2016
- 62. Annual meeting of the Czech Neuro-Psychopharmacological society, Lázně Jeseník, 15.-19.1.2020.Gestor of symposium Application of new technologies in psychopharmacological research and treatment.