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  1. Höschl C.: On women. Interview for English broadcasting of Czech RADIO to Africa and Asia. Broadcasted on Friday, Nov. 5, 1982 at 16.30 h. na vlnách 41 a 49 m.
  2. Höschl C.: Czech RADIO, programme Satelit (interview on decade of brain). Broadcasted on December 19, 1990 at 16.00 h.
  3. On the Decade of Brain. Interview for Czech radio, broadcasting to abroad, March 1991.
  4. Höschl C.: Živá slova. "Living words". Čs.rozhlas, 1991, 52 (reprinted)
  5. On decade of brain and psychiatry. Interview for Čs. rozhlas, "Good moorning", March 1991.
  6. Höschl C.: On biological psychiatry. Čs.rozhlas, "Vltava", May 29,1991, 15:00 h and repeat on May 30, 1991 at 17:10 h.
  7. Höschl C.: "Živá slova", "Living words" recorded 6.12.91, broadcasted 8.12. on RADIO Praha in 8:45 and Czechoslovakia in 12:30 h.
  8. Radio RIO life, 24.12.91 (Jak trávíte Štědrý den?) "How do you spend Eve Day ?"
  9. Discussion with L.Pešek, J.Ješ and B.Riegler. Radiofórum, Československo, December 28, 1991, 17:05 h
  10. Höschl C., Rakús A., Neubauer Z.: Discusion - topic: Depression. Nahráno November 21, 1991, broadcasted February 3, 1992, Vltava at 21:30 h., repeat on February 5, 1992 at 10:00 h.
  11. Höschl C.: Afternoon on Radio Collegium (with B. Janečková) - about music, about A.Rubinstei, F.Chopin etc., March 1, 1992, 103.7 MHz.
  12. Höschl C. - moderátor vysílání Radio Collegium, čtvrtek 5.3.92 od 19.00: Beethoven, Bach, kniha Kazatel, Neubauer.
  13. Höschl C. - On tolerance. Radio Praha, 6.3.92, 17.00 "Náš čas i svět". "Our time and world"
  14. Höschl C.: O stresu. "On stress". Radio Praha, pondělí 9.3.92, 17.00 h
  15. Höschl C.: Saturday on Radio Collegium. 14.3.92, author of the program 13.00 do 23.00 h (Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin, Mahler, Ravel, Smetana).
  16. Höschl C.: Saturday on Radio Collegium. 11.4.92, guest Pavel Hůla (about Niccolo Paganini).
  17. Höschl C.: Radio Collegium, violoncellist YO-YO-MA. 7.6.92, 15.00 h
  18. Höschl C.: PROSTOR. Radio discussion club with Jiří Fiala and Václav Břicháček. Vltava, 9.6.92 v 16.00, re-run 11.6.92 v 19.05.
  19. Höschl C. and Libiger J.: On America I. and II. Radio Collegium, 13.7.92, 19.00 - 23.00 h.
  20. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Diskussion club with V. Břicháček and S. Hermochová on social psychology. Vltava, 13.7.92 in 21.30h. Re-run 14.7.92 in 10.00 h.
  21. Höschl C., Libiger J. a Rokyta R.: Exklusive interview with Sir John Eccles, Nobel Prize winner for physiology and medicine, Radio Collegium. 16.7.92 v 17.00 h
  22. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with I. M. Havel and V. Schreiber on crisis in science and scientism. Vltava, 27.7.92 ve 21.30h. Re-run 28.7.92 v 10.00 h.
  23. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with B. Daněk and Z. Dytrych on "Jealousy". Vltava, 10.8.92 ve 21.30 h. Repeat 11.8.92 v 10.00 h.
  24. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with H.Haškovcová and M.Vojtěchovský on "Dying". Vltava, 24.8.92 in 21.30h. Repeat on 25.8.92 in 10.00 h.
  25. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with J. Fiala and V. Břicháček on "Creativity". Vltava, 7. 9. 92 in 21.30 h. Repeat 8. 9. 92 v 10.00.
  26. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with minister Vl.Dlouhý and art-historianTomáš Vlček on "Value of a creative work". Vltava, 21.9.92 in 21.30h. Repeat 29.9.92 on 10.00.
  27. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with Ivan Medek and Ivo Poledňák on "Dead shoulder of European music". Vltava, 5.10. 92 in 21.30 h. Repeat 13.10.92 v 10.00 h.
  28. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with Zdeněk Neubauer and Marek Špinka on "Animal’s mind". Vltava, 19.10. 92 in 21.30 h, repeat 27.10.92 in 10.00 h.
  29. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with Petr Vopěnka and Jiří Fiala on "Fear of Mathematics". Vltava, 9.11.92 in 21.30 h, repeat on 10.11.92 in 10.00h.
  30. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with Miloslav Nevrlý and Viktor Höschl on "Earth, known - unknown". Vltava, 30.11.92 in 21.30 h and 1.12.93 in 10.00.
  31. Brief talk, F1, 10.12.92 in 20.05 "Quo vadis ?".
  32. Höschl C.:"Spiritual Talk I", Radiožurnál, Jan.10, 1993, 12.30 h.
  33. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with Jan Libiger and Břetislav Daněk on "Crisis of Europe". Vltava, 4.1.93 in 19.00 h, repeat on 8.1.93 in 13.00 h.
  34. Participation in the Discussion Club on Medical Ethics I, Vltava, Jan.11.93, 19.00 h. Repeat on Jan. 15,93 at 13.00 h.
  35. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with H.Haškovcová and Jan Libiger on "Health Care and market economy". Vltava, 1.2.93 in 19.00h, repeat on 5.2. in 13.00 h.
  36. Höschl C.:" Spiritual Talk II", Radiožurnál, February 7, 93,12.30 h.
  37. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion Club with doc. Zdeňek Matějček and doc. Václav Břicháček on "Children – our future or threat?". Vltava, Monday, March 1,93 at 19.00 h, repeat on March 5 at 13:00 h.
  38. Höschl C.:" Spiritual Talk III", Radiožurnál, March 3, 93,12.30h.
  39. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion Club with Jiří Grygar and Alojz Rakús on "Science and politics". Vltava, Monday, March 29, 93 at 19.00, repeat April 2 at 13.00 h.
  40. Höschl C.:"Spiritual talk IV", Radiožurnál, April 4,93,12.30h.
  41. Discussion Club on Medical Ethics II, radio Vltava, April 5,93, 19.00 h. Repeat April 9,93 at 13.00 h.
  42. Höschl C.: On relaxation. Praha, April 10, 93, 16.45 h.
  43. Höschl C.:"Spiritual Talk V", Radiožurnál, May 2,93, 12.30h.
  44. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion Club with prof.Ctirad John and doc. Hana Provazníková on "The way to education". Vltava, Monday May 3,93 at 19.00, re-run May7 at 13.00 h.
  45. Höschl C.:"Spiritual Talk VI", Radiožurnál, May 30,93, 12.30 h.
  46. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion Club with doc. Eva Malá and doc. Jan Libiger on "Coping stressful life-events". Vltava, June 14, 93 at 21.30, re-run 18.6.93
  47. Höschl C.:"Spiritual Talk VII", Radiožurnál, June 27, 93, 12.30 h.
  48. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion Club with prof. Jiří Raboch and dr. Zdeněk Klein on "Historical a kultural developments of human sexuality". Vltava, on Monday September 6, 93 at 19.00 h, re-run 10.9. at 13.00h
  49. Höschl C.:"Spiritual Talk VIII", Radiožurnál, September 19, 93, 12.30h.
  50. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with dr.Břetislav Daněk and dr. Zdeněk Klein on "Long history of hate". Vltava, Monday October 4, 93, re-run on Fri, 8.10. 93
  51. Höschl C.: Radio encyclopaedia I, "From microbiology to psychiatry", Vltava, October 21, 93, 7:50h, re-run 15:50
  52. Höschl C.: Radio encyclopaedia II, "Heuristics: famous mistakes", Vltava, October 28, 1993, 7:50h, re-run 15:50h
  53. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with prof. Zdeněk Neubauer and doc. Jiří Fiala on "Labyrinths of Language". Vltava, Monday November 1, 93, re-run on Fri, Nov. 5, 93
  54. Höschl C.: Radio encyclopaedia III, "Onset of psychopharmacology", Vltava, November 4, 93, 7:50h, re-run 15:50h
  55. Höschl C.: Radio encyclopaedia IV, "Changes in psychopharmacological paradigm", Vltava, November 11, 93, 7:50h, re-run 15:50h
  56. Höschl C.: Fatigue syndrom. Radio Praha, November 15, 93 at 17.05 h.
  57. Höschl C.: Radio encyclopaedia V, "Hormones and behavior", Vltava, November 18, 93, 7:50h, re-run 15:50h
  58. "Living words" (About Gödel's theorems). Radio Praha, Nov. 21, 93, at 12.05.
  59. Höschl C.: Radio encyclopaedia VI, "Imaging methods and genetics", Vltava, November 25, 93, 7:50h, re-run 15:50h
  60. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with dr.Jiří Grygar and prof.Bohuslav Ošťádal on "Measuring a spiritual work". Vltava, Monday Nov. 29,93, re-run on Fri, Dec. 3, 93
  61. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with dr.Jiřina Šiklová and doc.Jiří Šimek on "Woman - God or Slave?". RADIO Vltava, Feb.2,1994 at 13:00h, re-run Feb. 13, 94 at 23:00 h
  62. "Coffee U Kische" - interview with C.H. done by Jiří Vejvoda and Ota Nutz. RADIO PRAGUE, Sat., Feb.5, 1994, 4:30 PM
  63. Höschl C. - Life on RADIO F1 - FM 102.5 (topic: music, psychiatry). Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1994, 20.30-22.00 h.
  64. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with dr.Bém (FILIA), dr. Presl (Drop-in) and dr.Nešpor (PL-Bohnice and NCPZ) on drugs. RADIO Vltava, March3, 1994 at 13:00h, re-run March 13, 94 at 23:00 h
  65. "Monday on science" (computer network of 3.LFUK). RADIO Praha, April 18,1994, 17:00h.
  66. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with prof.Anděl and ing. R.Poledne on nutrition. RADIO Vltava, May 20,1994 at 13:00h, re-run May 22, 94 at 23:00 h.
  67. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with JUDr.Jan Winkler and Nikos Balamotis on economical and natural laws. RADIO Vltava, Fri July 1,1994 at 13:00, re-run on Sun July 3, 94 at 23:00 h.
  68. Interview on tolerance etc., RADIO ECHO, July 16,1994, 18:30 h.
  69. Höschl C.: Labyrint. Discussion club with prof.Dr.Z.Matějček andáček on the occasion of coming school year. RADIO Vltava, Sept.21,1994, 1PM, re-run on Sept.25, 11PM.
  70. "Excerpta" on Radio Vltava (with Ota Nutz).
  71. "Meeting people". RADIO program with Bronislava Janečková on Vltava, Jan 15,1995, 13:00 h.
  72. "Vyhoďte ho z kola ven" (One flew over the coocoo's nest). RADIO Praha, Jan 31,95, 21:10, interview on psychiatry.
  73. Discussion club Vltava on tolerance, Febr 2, 95, at 13:00 h. - with D.Kroupa, M.Petrusek etc..
  74. "Meeting people". RADIO program with Ivan Klíma on Vltava, Febr.18,1995, 1-2:30 PM.
  75. Meeting people. RADIO program with Libor Pesek on Vltava, 19.Feb.1995, 13:00 h.
  76. Interview for BBC (Psychiatry in Eastern Europe). Broadcast on BBC RADIO 4 on May 9, 1995.
  77. Interview made by Ota Nutz for RADIO Vltava, October 25, 95 at 17:30 h ("Excerpta" for RADIO Vltava.)
  78. Höschl C.: Interview for Radio Free Europe (Nov 24, 95)
  79. Höschl C.: Changes in health care systems. Meteor, The Czech RADIO. (Made on 24.11.95). Broadcasted by radio PRAHA on Dec. 30, at 8 AM.
  80. Live concert of CM-club, Radio Classic FM. (Haydn "a l’hongroise" trio, Dvořák’s "Dumky" performed by Prague trio). Commenting C.Höschl. 4.12.1995, 20:00-21:00 h.
  81. "Meeting people". RADIO program with Jefim Fistein on Vltava, December 10,1995, 1-2:30 PM.
  82. Live concert of CM-club, Radio Classic FM. Pavel Hůla - violin, Boris Krajný - piano. Program: W.A. Mozart: Sonáta e-moll for piano and violin, KV 304, L. van Beethoven: Sonata F-maj, op. 24 "Spring", A. Dvořák: Sonatina G-maj, op. 100) . Commenting C.Höschl. 18.12.1995, 20:00-21:00 h.
  83. Comment to the live concert of Kocianovo kvarteto, on radio CLASSIC FM (Program: Fr. Schubert: Quartet movement c-min op. posth., E. Schulhoff: String quartet No. 1, A. Dvořák: String quartet F-maj, op. 96 "American"). C.Höschl. 29.1.1996, 20:00-21:00 hod.
  84. RADIO, "Depression" - discussion. Febr. 5, 1996, 7:30 PM.
  85. "Meeting people". RADIO program with Bohuslav Svoboda on Vltava, March 24,96, 1-2:30 PM.
  86. Comment to the live concert of ACADEMIA trio, on radio CLASSIC FM (Dvořák, piano trio f-moll op.65), Monday, March 25, 96, 20:00 h.
  87. "Meeting people". RADIO program with Jefim Fistein on Vltava, April 28, 1996,1-2:30 PM.
  88. Discussion, Radio Free Europe "Parliamentary elections 1996 - responses", June 2, 1996, 17:30-18:00 h.
  89. Czech Radio, program "Odyssea - pathways of understanding" (popular-scientific magazie) July 15,1996, "Reward deficiency syndrome".
  90. Czech Radio - "Studio 2001" (recorded 30.8.1996). RADIO PRAHA Sept. 9, 1996, 20:00-21:00 hod. interview for Magazine T96 (roč. XXXIV. 9/96, str. 20-23) "Into the brain, yes!"
  91. Meeting people. RADIO program with Vaclav Klaus, prime minister CR, 22. 9. 1996, 13:00-14:30 hod.
  92. Comment to live piano performance of Boris Krajný on RADIO CLASSIC FM (L. Janáček - piano works "Po zarostlém chodníčku" and F. Chopin: Sonáta B-minor, op. 35) Monday Sept. 23,1996, 20:00 h.
  93. Czech Radio Vltava, "Křižovatky vědy" ("Milestones of science"). "Reward deficiency syndrome" and "Alzheimer´s disease"), broadcasted on Radio Sept. 26, at 5:30 pm.
  94. Höschl C., Hůla P.: "Paganiniana" (6 parts program of the life and works of Nicolo Paganini). Radio Classic FM.
  95. 1st part on Sunday, Sept. 29, 1996, 11:00 h., repeat on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 1996, 20:06 h.
  96. 2nd part on Sunday, Oct. 6, 1996, 11:00 h., repeat on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1996, 20:06 h.
  97. Radio Regina, October 9, 1996, 9:30-10:30, Program with candidates for the Senate "What about the Senate?".
  98. "Radio Prague, Oct. 11,1996, 16:40 p.m., Phenomenon of Assassination".
  99. 3rd part on Sunday, Oct. 13, 1996, 11:00 h., repeat on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1996, 20:06 h.
  100. Radio Free Europe, the debate with candidates to the Senate, October 18, 1996 12:45-13:45.

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