Citations in books
- Note
- Hippius,H., Winokur,G.(eds.): Psychopharmacology 1, part 2, Clinical Psychopharmacology. Exc. Med., Amsterdam - Oxford - Princeton 1983, s. 137-138 aj.(CCB's)
- American Psychiatric Association: Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, APA, Washington DC, 1989, Vol. 2, s.909.(CCB's)
- Brown R.: Calcium Channel Blockers in Treatment-Resistant Bipolar and Unipolar Affective Disorders (Chapter 7). In: Roose S.P., Glassman A.H. (eds.): Treatment Strategies for Refractory Depression. American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC, 1990 (Höschl a Kožený; Höschl, Blahoš et al., aj.; str. 131-141)
- Goodwin F.K., Jamison K.R.: Manic-Depressive Illness. Oxford, 1990, 938 s. (Höschl a Kožený).
- R.M.Post: Rapid cycling and depression. In: Montgomery S., Rouillon F. (eds.): Long-term treatment of depression. Perspectives in Psychiatry, Vol.3, John Wiley&sons, Chichester 1992,p. 139-196. (Höschl a Kožený).
- Janicak P.G., Davis J.M., Preskorn S.H., Ayd F.J.: Principles and Practice of Psychopharmacotherapy. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore 1993. (Höschl a Kožený,s.385, seznam s.390).
- Kaplan H.I., Sadock B.J.: Psychiatric Drug Treatment. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore 1993. (Höschl a Kožený,s.77).
- Hales R.E., Yudofsky S.C., Talbott J.A.: Textbook of Psychiatry (2nd edition). The American Psychiatric Press, Washington DC, London, 1994. (Höschl a Kožený,s.1002)
- Nolen W.A., Zohar J., Roose S.P., Amsterdam J.D.(eds): Refractory Depression. John Wiley & sons, Chichester, New York, 1994. (Höschl, Drugs, str.103, seznam 110).
- R.M.Post, S.R.B.Weiss: Neurobiology of Treatment-Resistant Mood Disorders. In: Bloom F.E., Kupfer D.J.: Psychopharmacology. The Fourth Generation of Progress. Raven Press, New York, 1994, p.1155-1170 (Drugs)
- Triggle D.J.: Molecular Pharmacology of Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels. In: Disterhoft J.F., Gispen W.H., Traber J., Khachaturian Z.S. (Eds.): Calcium Hypothesis of Aging and Dementia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, N.Y.1994, Vol.747, p.267-281 (Drugs)
- Nolen W.A., Zohar J., Roose S. P., Amsterdam J. D. (eds.): Refractory depression. Wiley & synové, Chichester 1994 ( p. 103, Höschl, Drugs).
- Schatzberg A.F., Nemeroff Ch.B.: Textbook of Psychopharmacology. American Psychiatric Press, Washington-London, 1995. Höschl a Kožený + Höschl, Blahoš, Kabeš citováni v kapitole: Dubovsky S.L.: Calcium Antagonists as novel agents for Major Depressive Disorder, p.377-388. ISBN 0-88048-389-X
- Kaplan H.I., Sadock B.J.: Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry /VI, vol 1, Mood disorders: somatic treatment, p.1177. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore 1995. (Höschl: Drugs).
- Hales R.E., Yudofski S.C., Talbott J.A.: Textbook of Psychiatry, 2nd ed., American Psychiatric Press, Washington-London 1995, p.1002 (Höschl a Kožený).
- Ayd F.J.jr.: Lexicon of Psychiatry, Neurology and the Neurosciences. Williams&Wilkins, Baltimore-Philadelphia, 1995 or 6, ISBN O-683-00298-8 (Höschl a Kožený)
- Post RM, Ketter TA, Pazzaglia PJ, Denicoff K, Marange LLL, George MS: Anticonvulsants in Refractory Mood Disease. In: Nolen WA, Zohar J, Roose SP, Amsterdam ID: Refractory Depression. Wiley & sons, Chichester 1995, p.97-114. (CCB's)
- Kaplan H. I., Sadock B. J.: Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, 6. vydání. sv. 1, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1995, str. 1177 (Höschl, Drugs).
- Hales R.E., Yudofsky S.C.: Synopsis of Psychiatry. American Psychiatric Press, Washington 1996, p.913. ISBN 0-88048-889-1 (Höschl a Kožený)
- Moore D.P., Jefferson J.W.: Handbook of Medical Psychiatry. Mosby. St.Louis, New York, Tokyo 1996. (Höschl, Blahoš, Kabeš)
- Tasman A., Kay J., Lieberman J.A.: Psychiatry, I. and II. Vol. W.B.Saunders company, Philadelphia, London, Tokyo, 1997 ISBN 0-7216-5257. (Höschl, Kožený, Kabeš - str. 1715).
- Post RM, Frye MA, Denicoff KD, Kimbrell TA, Cora-Locatelli C, Leverich GS: Anticonvulsants in Long-term prophylaxis of Affective Disorders. In: Honig A, van Praag HM: Depression. Neurological, psychopathological and therapeutical advances. Wiley & sons, Chichester, 1997, pp.483-498. (Höschl a Kožený; Höschl, Blahoš, Kabeš)
- Rifkin A.: Experimental therapeutic: non-standard drug treatments. In: Tasman A., Kay J., Lieberman J. A. (Eds.). Psychiatry, vol. 2, W. B. Saunders comp., Philadelphia - London - Toronto - 1997 (Höschl, Blahoš, et al.).
- Briley M., Montgomery S.: Antidepressant therapy at the dawn of the 3rd millenium. Mosby, Martin Dunitz ltd., Saint Luis 1998, p. 346 (Höschl, Kožený).
- Briley M., Montgomery S.: Antidepressant therapy at the dawn of the third millenium. Martin Dunitz, London 1998, str. 339; (Höschl, Kožený).
- Nolen W. A., Zohar J., Roose S. P., Amsterdam J. D.: Refractory depression. Willey, Chichester, New York, 1998, p. 110 (Höschl, Drugs).
- Schatzberg A. F., Nemeroff Ch. B.: Textbook of psychopharmacology, 2. vydání, APA, Washington 1998, str. 467.
- Hales R, Yudofski SC, Talbott JA. Textbook of psychiatry, American Psychiatric Association Press Inc., Washington, London 1999.
- Hales R, Yudofski SC, Talbott JA. Essentials of clinical psychiatric. American Psychiatric Association Press Inc., Washington, London 1999.
- Gelder H.G., López-Ibor J.J.Jr., Andreasen N. C. (eds.): New Textbook of Psychiatry. Oxford University Press 2000. P. 1313 (Höschl, Kožený).
- Goodnick PJ, Benitez A. Calcium chanel plackers. In: Manji HK, Bouwden ChL, Belmaker RH (eds.): Bipolar medications. American Psychiatric Association Press Inc., Washington, London 2000.
- Halbreich U, Montgomery S (eds.): Pharmacotherapy for mood anxiety and cognitive disorder. American Psychiatric Association Press Inc., Washington, London 2000.
- Sadock & Sadock: Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, seventh edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia 2000. Citace Höschl a Kožený s. 1430.
- Hníková E.: Poškozují kortikoidy lidský mozek? Lidové noviny/Věda, 10.5.2003, s. 24.
- Hales R.E., Yudofski S.C.: Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry. The American Psychiatric Publishing, Washington-London 2003 (Höschl a Kožený).
- Kaplan & Sadock: Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, Eighth edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005
- Citation in the monography "Antidepressants" by Phil Skolnick (ed.)
- T.Sumiyoshi, T.Matsuoka, K. Tanaka: SOCIAL INTERACTION DEFICITS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA-SPECTRUM DISORDERS AND PHARMACOLOGIC INTERVENTION. Citated in Handbook of Social Interactions in the 21st Century, 2009 Nova Science Publishers, Inc, A. T. Heatherton and V. A. Walcott (Eds.), ISBN 978-1-60692-860-8.