Journal publications in English
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- Blahoš J., Svoboda Z., Höschl C.: The effect of calcitonine on glucose metabolism. Endokrinologie 68, 1976 ,s.226-230.
- Höschl C.: Lithium influence on TSH response to TRH in depressed patients. Physiologia Bohemoslovaca, 30, 1981, 1: 89-90.
- Höschl C.: Effect of lithium on the TRH-test. Activ. nerv. sup., 23, 1981, 4: 276-278.
- Höschl C, Stárka L, Roth Z, Vokálková J, Jaššová J. A specific laboratory test for primary depression. Acta Univ. Carolinae Medica, 31, 1985, No. 5-6, pp: 347-364.
- Höschl C., Kožený J.: DST in Czechoslovakia. Biol. Psych., 21, 1986, 11: 1103-1104.
- Höschl C., Kožený J.: Verapamil in affective disorders: a double-blind, controlled study. Biol. Psychiat., 25, 1989, 2: 128-140.
- Höschl C.: Do Calcium Antagonists Have a Place in the Treatment of Mood Disorders? Drugs, 42,1991,5: 721-729. Reprinted in: New Ethicals, May 1992: 139-149.
- Höschl C., Vacková J., Janda B.: Mood stabilizing effect of verapamil. Bratisl. Lek. Listy, 93,1992,4:208-209
- Höschl C.: Prediction: Nonsense or Hope? Br.J.Psychiat., 163 (suppl.21), 1993: 46-54.
- Filip V., Höschl C., Karen P., Seifertová D., Bornová L., Prašková H., Praško J.: Predicting Therapeutic Results with Levoprotiline and Maprotiline in Major Depression: The Role of the Outcome Criteria. Br.J.Psychiat., 163 (suppl.21), 1993: 35-38
- Řípová D, Němcová V, Farská I, Papežová H, Höschl C: Changes in platelet phospholipid content in treated and untreated schizophrenics. Eur.Neuropsychopharmacol. 3 (3), 1993: 395.
- Řípová D., Němcová V., Höschl C., Strunecká A.: Effect of chlorpromazine (CPZ) on phosphoinositide-signalling system in human platelets. Cell Biology International 18,1994,5: 489
- Řípová D., Němcová V., Růžička P., Strunecká A., Höschl C.: Phosphoinositide-signalling system in resting platelets of schizophrenics. European Neuropsychopharmacology 4, 1994, 3: 372.
- Řípová D., Němcová V., Strunecká A., Höschl C.: Inositol triphosphate and cytosolic calcium level in activated plate lets of schizophrenics. European Neuropsychopharmacology 4, 1994, 3: 371.
- David I., Filip V., Höschl C., Libiger J. Karen P.: Possible prediction of therapeutic outcome based on single dose effect of levoprotiline and maprotiline on C-EEG. Homeostasis, 35, 1994, 6: 292-293.
- Goodwin GM, Nolen WA: Treatment of bipolar depressive mood disorders: Algorithms for pharmacotherapy. (Group: Bourgeois ML, Conti L, Fischer P, Gastpar M, Griffiths JM, Höschl C, Kapitany T, Malt UF, Muscettola G, Papadimitriou GN, Potter WZ, Puzynski S, Swinkels JA, Zarate CA jr.). International journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 1, 1997: S9-S12.
- Höschl C., Kožený J.: Predicting academic performance of medical students: The first three years. Am. J. Psychiatry, 154, 1997, 6: 87-92.
- Kožený J., Höschl C.: The temperament and character inventory: psychometric integrity of the Czech version. Studia psychologica 41, 1999, 2:123-132.
- Řípová D., Strunecká A., Platilová V., Höschl C.: Phosphoinositide signalling system in platelets of schizophrenic patients and the effect of neuroleptic therapy. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 61, 1999, 2:125-129.
- Horáček J., Kuzmiaková M., Höschl C., Anděl M., Bahbouh R.: The relationship between central serotonergic activity and insulin sensitivity in healthy volunteers. Psychoneuroendocrinology 24/1999:785-797.
- Höschl C., Libiger J.: Rights and responsibilities of the psychiatric profession: Limits of Psychiatry. Psychiatrie 3, 1999, 4:288-289.
- Höschl C., Libiger J. Rights and responsibilities of the psychiatric profession. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 101, 2000, Suppl. 3999:40-41.
- Höschl C.: Introduction (Editorial). In: Dose M., Höschl C. (eds): Movement disorders in psychiatry, specifically to drug-induced dyskynesias. Pharmacopsychiatry 33, 2000, S1, pp. 1 – 48. Thieme, Stuttgart – New York 2000. ISSN 0936-9589.
- Řípová D., Platilová V., Strunecká D., Jirák R., Höschl C.: Cytosolic calcium alterations in platelets of patients with early stages of Alzheimer´s disease. Neurobiology of Aging 21, 2000:729-734. IF = 3,517. ISSN:
- Horáček J., Libiger J., Höschl C., Borzová K., Hendrychová, I. Clozapine-induced concordant agranulocytosis in monozygotic twins. Int. J. Psychiatry in Clin. Pract., 5, 2001:71-73.
- Höschl C., Hájek T.: Hippocampal damage mediated by corticosteroids – a neuropsychiatric research challenge. Eur. Arch. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2001, 251:Supp.2,II/81-II/88.
- Hájek T., Pašková B., Janovská D., Bahbouh R., Hájek P., Libiger J., Höschl C.: Higher prevalence of antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in psychiatric patients than in healthy subjects. Am J Psychiatry 2002 Feb.; 159(2):297-301.
- Balon R., Höschl C.: Research training in the Czech Republic. Academic Psychiatry 26; 2002, 2:125-127.
- Kopeček M., Höschl C., Hájek T. Regional selectivity of novel antipsychotics. Br. J. Psychiat. 181,2002, 9:254-255.
- Bauer M, Whybrow PC, Angst J, et al.,WFSBP Task Force (...Höschl C...): (WFSBP) guidelines for biological treatment of unipolar depressive disorders, part 2: maintenance treatment of major depressive disorder and treatment of chronic depressive disorder and subtreshold depressions.The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2002,3: 69-86
- Bauer M, Whybrow PC, Angst J, et al.,WFSBP Task Force on Treatment Guidelines for Unipolar Depressive Disorders (...Höschl C...): (WFSBP) guidelines for biological treatment of unipolar depressive disorders, part 1: acute and continuation treatment of major depressive disorder. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2002, 3: 5-43
- Grunze H, Kasper S, Goodwin G, Bowden C, Baldwin D, Licht R, Vieta E, Möller HJ on behalf of the WFSBP Task Force on Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorders (.... Höschl C...):WFSBP Treatment Guidelines on Bipolar Disorders.The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 3,2002:115-124
- Höschl C.: Commercial-academic interface: The need for ethical standards. Mental Health Reforms, 8, 2003; 1:6-7.
- Grunze H., Kasper S., Goodwin G., Bowden Ch., Baldwin D., Licht R.W., Vieta E., Möller H.J., WFSBP Task force on Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorders (C. Höschl, member of task force): The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for Biological Treatment of Bipolar Disorders, Part II: Treatment of Mania. World J Biol Psychiatry, 4;2003, 5:5-13.
- Horáček J., Bubeníková V., Kopeček M., Brunovský M., Páleníček T., Höschl C.: From animal models to clinical treatment modalities in schizophrenia. Eur. Neuropsychopharmacology, 13, 2003, Suppl. 4:S158.
- Řípová D., Platilová V., Strunecká A., Jirák R., Höschl C.: Alterations in Calcium Homeostasis as Biological Marker for Mild Alzheimer´s Disease? Physiol. Res. 2004, 53:449-452.
- Grunze H., Kasper S., Goodwin G., Bowden Ch., Möller HJ. WFSBP Task force on Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorders (C. Höschl, member of task force): The World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for Biological Treatment of Bipolar Disorders, Part III: Maintenance Treatment. reatment Guidelines for bipolar disorders). World J Biol. Psychiatry, 2004, 5, 120-135.
- Höschl C.: Atypical antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia. Advanced approaches to atypical antipsychotic tratment. Fujisawa, Japonsko, 2004, str. 1-4.
- Horáček J., Kopeček M., Španiel F., Mohr P., Dockery C., Seifertová D., Bělohlávek O., Höschl C.: Resting regional brain metabolism in patients with schizophrenia. 18FDG PET study. (Klidový regionální metabolizmus mozku u pacientů se schizofrení. Studie 18FDG PET). Psychiatrie, 8, 2004, S3:43-50.
- Höschl C., Praško J.: Management of depressed patients with sexual dysfunction. WPA Bulletin on Depression, 2004; 9, 28:11-14.
- Bubeníková V., Horáček J., Kožený J., Platilová V., Závěšická V., Höschl C.: The effect of tryptophan depletion on the action of haloperidol in MK-801 trated rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2004, Vol. 502; 1-2:109-116.
- Praško J., Horáček J., Záleský R., Kopeček M., Novák T., Pašková B., Škrdlantová L., Bělohlávek O., Höschl C.: The change of regional brain metabolism (18FDG PET) in panic disorder during the treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy or antidepressants. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2004; 25(5):340-348.
- Horáček J., Závěšická L., Tintěra J., Dockery C., Platilová V., Kopeček M., Španiel F., Bubeníková V., Höschl C.: The effect of tryptophan depletion on brain activation measured by fMRI during the Stroop test in healthy subjects. Physiological Research, 2005, 54:235-244.
- Höschl C.: Helsinki Ministerial Conference – National Perspectives. Die Psychiatrie, 2005, 2:111-113. ISSN 1614-4864.
- Škrdlantová L., Horáček J., Dockery C., Lukavský J., Kopeček M., Preiss M., Novák T., Höschl C. The influence of low-frequency prefrontal rTMS on memory for words but not faces. Physiological Research 2005; 54,1: 123-128
- Španiel F., Herynek V., Hájek T., Dezortová M., Horáček J., Hájek M., Kožený J., Dockery C., Höschl C.: Magnetic resonance relaxometry in monozygotic twins discordant and concordant for schizophrenia. European Psychiatry, 20, 2005, 1:41-44.
- Hájek T., Libiger J., Janovská D., Hájek P., Alda M., Höschl C.: Clinical and demographic characteristics of psychiatric patients seropositive for Borrelia burgdorferi. European Psychiatry, 21, 2006, 2:118-122.
- Hájek T., Kopeček M., Preiss M., Alda M., Höschl C.: Prospective study of hippocampal volume and function in human subjects treated with corticosteroids. European psychiatry, 21, 2006, 2:123-128.
- Motlova L, Dragomirecka E, Spaniel F, Goppoldova E, Zalesky R, Selepova P, Figlova Z, Höschl C. Relapse prevention in schizophrenia: does group family psychoeducation matter? One-year prospective follow-up field study. Int J Psychiat Clin Pract, 2006; 10(1): 38-44
- Novák T, Horáček J, Mohr P, Kopeček M, Klírová M, Rodriguez M, Španiel F, Dockery C, Höschl C.The double-blind sham-controlled study of high-frequency rTMS (20Hz) for negative symptoms in schizophrenia: Negative results. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2006 Apr 25;27(1-2):209-213
- Horáček J., Bubeníková-Valešová V., Kopeček M., Páleníček T., Dockery C., Mohr P., Höschl C.: Mechanism of action of atypical antipsychotic drugs and the neurobiology of schizophrenia. Drugs. 20, 2006; 5:389-409
- Bares M, Brunovsky M, Kopecek M, Stopkova P, Novak T, Kozeny J, Höschl C.:Changes in QEEG prefrontal cordance as a predictor of response to antidepressants in patients with treatment resistant depressive disorder: A pilot study. J Psych Res, 41;2007, 3-4:319-325
- Kopeček M., Brunovský M., Novák T., Tišlerová B., Horáček J., Höschl C.: The effect of cerebellar repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on electrical brain acitivity detected by low resolution electromagnetic tomography. Psychiatrie, 10, 2006; S3:54-58.
- Praško J, Dockery C, Horáček J, Houbová P., Kosová J., Klaschka J., Pašková B., Prašková H., Seifertová D., Záleský R., Höschl C. Moclobemide and cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of social phobia. Neuroendocrinology Lett. 27, 2006;4:473-481.
- Horáček J., Dockery C., Kopeček M., Španiel F., Novák T., Tišlerová B., Klírová M., Páleníček T., Höschl C.: regional brain metabolism as the predictor of performance on the Trail making Test in schizoprenia. A 18FDG PET covariation study. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 27; 2006, 5:587-594.
- Höschl C., Lopez-Ibor JJL (editors): Proceedings of 15th European Congress in Psychiatry. European psychiatry, 22, 2007, Suppl.1, p. S1-S342
- Höschl C. Psychiatric diagnosis and classification from the European perspective. (Diskussions-forum). Die Psychiatrie, 2007, 2:113-115. ISSN 1614-4864.
- Motlová L, Spaniel F, Höschl C, Balon R. Are There Any Differences in the Efficacy among Second Generation Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Schizophrenia and Related Disorders? Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2007 Apr-Jun;19(2):133-43.
- Horacek J, Brunovsky M, Novak T, Skrdlantova L, Klirova M, Bubenikova-Valesova V, Krajca V, Tislerova B, Kopecek M, Spaniel F, Mohr P, Höschl C. Effect of Low-Frequency rTMS on Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA) and Regional Brain Metabolism (PET) in Schizophrenia Patients with Auditory Hallucinations. Neuropsychobiology 2007, Jul 19;55(3-4):132-142 [Epub ahead of print]
- Spaniel F, Tintera J, Hajek T, Horacek J, Dezortova M, Hajek M, Dockery C, Kozeny J, Höschl C. Language lateralization in monozygotic twins discordant and concordant for schizophrenia. A functional MRI pilot study. Eur Psychiatry. 22, 2007; 5:319-322.
- Španiel F, Novák T, Motlová L, Hrdlička J, Höschl C: Information Technology Aided Relapse Prevention Program in Schizophrenia (ITAREPS): reliability and validity of the early warning signs questionnaire. Psychiatrie, 11, 2007; 3:157-159.
- Spaniel F, Vohlídka P, Hrdlička J, Kožený J, Novák T, Motlová L, Cermák J, Bednařík J, Novák D, Höschl C. ITAREPS: Information Technology Aided Relapse Prevention Programme in Schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2008 Jan;98(1-3):312-7.
- Bauer M. et al.: World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Guidelines for Biological Treatment of Unipolar Depressive Disorders in Primary Care.The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2007; 8(2): 67-104
- Hájek T., Kožený J., Kopeček M., Alda M., Höschl C.: Reduced subgenual cingulate volumes in mood disorders: a meta-analysis. J Psychiatry Neurosci 2008; 33, 2:91-99.
- Höschl C., Švestka J.: Escitalopram for the treatment of major depression and anxiety disorders. Expert Rev. Neurotherapeutics 8, 2008; 4:537-552. ISSN 1473-7175.
- Höschl C., Robert P.H.: Proceedings of 16th European Congress of Psychiatry. Eur Psych, 23, 2008; S2: S1-S410
- Bares M, Brunovsky M, Kopecek M, Novak T, Stopkova P, Kozeny J, Sos P, Krajca V, Höschl C.Early reduction in prefrontal theta QEEG cordance value predicts response to venlafaxine treatment in patients with resistant depressive disorder. Eur Psychiatry. 2008;23,5:350-355
- Bubeníková-Valešová V, Horáček J, Vrajová M, Höschl C. Models of schizophrenia in humans and animals based on inhibition of NMDA receptors, Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev..2008, 32:1014-1023.
- Tandon R, Belmaker RH, Gattaz WF, Lopez-Ibor JJ Jr, Okasha A, Singh B, Stein DJ,Olie JP, Fleischhacker WW, Moeller HJ.World Psychiatric Association Pharmacopsychiatry Section statement on comparative effectiveness of antipsychotics in the treatment of schizophrenia.Schizophr Res. 2008;100(1-3):20-38.
- Möller H-J et al.Do SSRIs or antidepressants in general increase suicidality? WPA Section on Pharmacopsychiatry: consensus statement. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2008 Aug;258 Suppl 3:3-23
- Spaniel F, Vohlídka P, Kožený J, Novák T, Hrdlička J, Motlová L, Cermák J, Höschl C.The Information Technology Aided Relapse Prevention Programme in Schizophrenia:an extension of a mirror-design follow-up.Int J Clin Pract. 62, 2008;12:1943-1946
- Hajek T, Kopecek M, Kozeny J, Gunde E, Alda M, Höschl C. Amygdala volumes in mood disorders - Meta-analysis of magnetic resonance volumetry studies. J Affect Disord. 115, 2009:395-410. [Epub ahead of print Nov 17,2008]
- Závěšická L., Brunovský M., Horáček J., Matoušek M., Šóš P., Krajča V., Höschl C. Trazodone improves the results of cognitive behavioural therapy of primary insomnia in non-depressed patients. Neuroendocrinology Letters 2008; 29:6.
- Bares M, Kopecek M, Novak T, Stopkova P, Sos P, Kozeny J, Brunovsky M, Höschl C: Low frequency (1-Hz), right prefrontal repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) compared with venlafaxine ER in the treatment of resistant depression: A double-blind, single-centre, randomized study. J. Affect. Disord. (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jad.2009.01.032 [Epub ahead of print]
- Kopřivová J, Horáček J, Tintěra J, Praško J, Raszka M, Ibrahim I, Höschl C. Medial frontal and dorsal cortical morphometric abnormalities are related to obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neurosci Lett. 464; 2009, 1:62-66
- Hajek T, Novak T, Kopecek M, Gunde E, Alda M, Höschl C. Subgenual cingulate volumes in offspring of bipolar parents and in sporadic bipolar patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2010) 260:297–304
- Höschl C. European psychiatry: needs, challenges and structures. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci (2009) 259 (Suppl 2):S119-S122.
- Horáček J, Španiel F, Novák T, Brunovský M, Minárik M, Mohr P, Páleníček T, Bubeníková-Valešová V, Vrajová M, Höschl C. The influence of polymorphism for gene RGS4 (Regulator of G-protein signaling 4) on regional brain metabolism (18FDG PET) and phenotypic variables in schizoprenia. Psychiatrie, 13, 2009; S3:141-145.
- Horacek J, Brunovsky M, Novak T, Tislerova B, Palenicek T, Bubenikova-Valesova V, Spaniel F, Koprivova J, Mohr P, Balikova M and Hoschl C. Subanesthetic dose of ketamine decreases prefrontal theta cordance in healthy volunteers: implications for antidepressant effect. Psychological Medicine (2010), 40: 1443-1451
- Vrajová M, Stastny F, Horacek J, Lochman J, Sery O, Pekova S, Klaschka J, Höschl C: Experession of the Hippocampal NMDA Receptor GluN1 Subunit and Its Splicing Isoforms in Schizophrenia: Postmortem Study. Neurochem Res. 2010;35:994–1002
- Bares M, Brunovsky M, Novak T, Kopecek M, Stopkova P, Sos P, Krajca V, Höschl C.The change of prefrontal QEEG theta cordance as a predictor of response to bupropion treatment in patients who had failed to respond to previous antidepressant treatments. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. (2010) 20: 459–466.
- Gunde E, Novak T, Kopecek M, Schmidt M, Propper L, Stopkova P, Höschl C, Duffy A, Alda M, Hajek T. White matter hyperintensities in affected and unaffected late teenage and early adulthood offspring of bipolar parents: A two-center high-risk study. J Psychiatr Res. 2011 Jan;45(1):76-82
- Bares M, Novak T, Kopecek M, Stopkova P, Höschl C. Antidepressant monotherapy and combination of antidepressants in the treatment of resistant depression in current clinical practice: A retrospective study. Int J Psych Clin Pract, 14, 2010; 4:303-308
- Páleníček T, Balíková M, Rohanová M, Novák T, Horáček J, Fujáková M, Höschl C. Behavioral, hyperthermic and pharmacokinetic profile of para-methoxymethamphetamine (PMMA) in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 98, 2011: 130-139
- Horacek J, Preiss M, Tintera J, Laing H, Kopecek M, Spaniel F, Brunovsky M, Höschl C. A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Cognitive Estimation. Act Nerv Super Rediviva 2010; 52(3): 187–192
- Fears R, Höschl C. Mental health policy issues: the view from FEAM. Eur Psychiatry 2011, vol 26, issue 1, pp.III-VI
- Spaniel F, Horáček J, Tintěra J, Ibrahim I, Novák T, Cermák J, Klírová M, Höschl C. Genetic variation in FOXP2 alters grey matter concentrations in schizophrenia patients. Neuroscience Letters 493 (2011) 131–135
- Kopřivová J, Congedo M, Horáček J, Praško J, Raszka M, Brunovský M, Kohútová B, Höschl C. EEG source analysis in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Clin Neurophysiol. 2011 Sep;122(9):1735-43.
- Páleníček T, Fujáková M, Brunovský M, Balíková M, Horáček J, Gorman I, Tylš F, Tišlerová B, Soš P, Bubeníková-Valešová V, Höschl C, Krajča V. Electroencephalographic Spectral and Coherence Analysis of Ketamine in Rats: Correlation with Behavioral Effects and Pharmacokinetics. Neuropsychobiology. 2011 Mar 22;63(4):202-218
- Horáček J, Flegr J, Tintěra J, Verebova K, Španiel F, Novák T, Brunovský M, Bubeníková-Valešová V, Holub D, Páleníček T, Höschl C. Latent toxoplasmosis reduces gray matter density in schizophrenia but not in controls: Voxel-based-morphometry (VBM) study. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Oct;13(7):501-9. Epub 2011 May 23.
- Hájek T, Kopeček M, Höschl C. Reduced hippocampal volumes in healthy carriers of brain-derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism: Meta-analysis. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Mar;13(3):178-87.
- Fears R, Hoschl C. European mental health policy: opportunities for science and innovation, challenges for implementation. The European Journal of Public Health 2011; doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckr075
- Horacek J,Tejkalova H, Novak T, Bubenikova-Valesova V, Palenicek T, Rambousek L, Ruzickova S, Vaculin S, Höschl C. The influence of a subanaesthetic dose of ketamine on circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines and serotonin in brain reply. Psychological Medicine (2011), 41: 1787-1789.
- Vrajová M, Peková S, Horáček J, Höschl C. The effects of siRNA-mediated RGS4 gene silencing on the whole genome transcription profile: implications for schizophrenia. Neuroendocrinol Lett 2011; 32(3):246–252
- Bares M, Novak T, Brunovsky M, Kopecek M, Stopkova P, Krajca V, Höschl C. The change of QEEG prefrontal cordance as a response predictor to antidepressive intervention in bipolar depression. A pilot study, Journal of Psychiatric Research 46 (2011):219-225
- Bares M, Novak T, Kopecek M, Stopkova P, Kozeny J, Höschl C. The early improvement of depressive symptoms as a potential predictor of response to antidepressants in depressive patients who failed to respond to previous antidepressant treatments. Analysis of naturalistic data. Eur Psychiatry 27, 2012;7:522-527
- Baghai T, Blier P, Baldwin DS, Bauer M, Goodwin G, Fountoulakis K, Kasper S, Leonard BE, Malt U, Stein D, et al. Executive summary of the report by the WPA section on pharmacopsychiatry on general and comparative efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants in the acute treatment of depressive disorders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2012;262,1:13-22
- Höschl C, Fialová L. European Psychiatric Association guidance on the conflicts of interest. European Psychiatry 27 (2012): 142–146.
- Baghai TC. et al. General and comparative efficacy and effectiveness of antidepressants in the acute treatment of depressive disorders: a report by the WPA section of pharmacopsychiatry. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011 Nov; 261 Suppl 3:207-45.
- Möller HJ, Bitter I, Bobes J, Fountoulakis K, Höschl C, Kasper S. Position statement of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) on the value of antidepressants in the treatment of unipolar depression.Eur Psychiatry, 2012 Feb;27(2):114-28.
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