Chapters in books

  1. Höschl C., Šimek J.: Koncepce psychického stresu. (A concept of psychic stress). In: Baštecký J., Šavlík J., Šimek J.: Psychosomatická medicína (Psychosomatic medicine). Praha, Grada Avicenum, 1993, s. 41-47.
  2. Höschl C.: Psychosomatická problematika v endokrinologii (Psychosomatic aspects in endocrinology). In: Baštecký J., Šavlík J., Šimek J.: Psychosomatická medicína (Psychosomatic medicine). Praha, Grada Avicenum, 1993, s. 219-233.
  3. Höschl C.: The Role of Prediction in Modern Science - The Example of Psychiatry. In: Zwilling R. (Ed.): Natural Sciences and Human Thought, Springer - Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg - New York, 1994, p. 187-191. (In English).
  4. Benešová O., Höschl C. (eds.): Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine 1993 and 1994. Praha, Psychiatrické centrum 1997, 134 p. ISBN 80-85121-41-7.
  5. Řípová D., Němcová V., Höschl C., Fales E., Majer E., Strunecká A.: Lipid composition of different brain regions in patients with Alzheimer´s disease and multi-infarct dementia. In: Progress in Alzheimer´s and Parkinson´s diseases. Fisher A., Yoshida M., Hanin I. (eds.) Plenum Press, New York, 1998, p.301-307. ISSN 0-306-45903-5.
  6. Höschl C.: University Research and Development - The Czech Republic vs. European Union. In: Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanisches Akademisches Konzill (DAAK): Symposium Halle 1997. Schriftenreihe des DAAK, Symposien, Band 6, Bonn-Washington, D.C. 1998, pp.63-71. ISSN 0948-4809.
  7. Höschl C., Anděl M. (eds): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the New Medical Curriculum, Prague, January 9-10, 1998. Tigis, Praha, 1999, str. 85. ISBN 80-900130-1-5.
  8. Höschl C.: Is There causality in history? In: "Popper’s Open Society after 50 years. (The continuing relevance of Karl Popper)". Ian Jarvie and Sandra Pralong (eds.): Routledge, London and New York 1999. ISBN 0-415-16502-4.
  9. Höschl C.: "Historical and cultural changes in human sexuality". In. Höschl C., Machalický J., Holý B.: Eros in European Graphic Art through the Centuries. Praha. Hollar 1999. ISBN: 80-902405-1-8.
  10. Höschl C.: Antidepressants in Broader Context. In: Maj M., Sartorius N. (Eds.): Depressive Disorders. WPA Series and Experience in Psychiatry, Vol 1., P. 143-145. John Wiley & sons, ltd., Chichester, New York, Singapore, Toronto 1999. ISBN 0-471-99905-9
  11. Höschl C., Holmerová I., Honzáková L., Jirák R., Kumpel Q., Obenberger J., Topinková E., Vinař O., Vojtěchovský M.: Alzheimerova choroba (Alzheimer's disease). Symposium 1 (Eds. J. Hořejší). Praha, Galén 1999, p. 96. ISBN 80-7262-026-8.
  12. Höschl C.: Introduction. In: Dragomirecká E., Palčová A. Papežová H. (Editors) : Social psychiatry in Changing Times. Psychiatric centrum Prague, 1st edition, Praha 2000, 278 p. ISBN: 80-85121-08-5.
  13. Höschl C.: Aims of Czech psychiatry at the turn of century. Chapter in the book of I. M. Havel and D. Třeštík (eds.): "What gave our lands to Europe and to the World?". ELK Praha 2000, ISBN: 80-886316-10-6.
  14. Höschl C.: Engram and implicate order, pp. 272-276. Chapter in the book "Transdisciplinary Festschrift to I.M. Havel to his 60 birthday". Eds.: Ivan Chvatík, Jiří Fiala; Oikoymenh 2000, ISBN 80-7298-006-8.
  15. "Höschl C.: " Mechanisms of the cell death: target of treatment intervention. In: Růžička E. et al.: Differential diagnostics and treatment of dementias. Praha, Galén 2003, pp. 137-144. Awarded with Vladimir Vondracek National Prize, 2003.
  16. Höschl C.: My personal memories to Sir John Eccles. In: Eccles H., Rokyta R. (eds.): Sir John Eccles, memorial booklet at the occasion of Sir John Eccles Memorial Symposium, Prague 2003. Prague, TIGIS 2003, p. 34-35.
  17. Höschl C.: Introduction. In : Vratislav Schreiber: Hormony a lidská mysl (Hormones and mind). Triton, Praha 2004, pp. 9-11. ISBN 80-7254-433-0.
  18. Höschl C.: Psychiatrist Lubomír Hanzlíček (pp. 35-39). In: Šmahel F. (ed.): Scholars in eyes of colleagues and pupils (in Czech). Academia, Praha 2004, 237 p. ISBN 80-200-1210-9.
  19. Höschl C.: Obituary to Prof. Dr. Zdeněk Matějček, CSc. In: Šmahel F. (ed.): The Learned Society of the Czech Republic. Private publication of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic. Prague, 2005, pp. 78-79
  20. Cyril Höschl: Consciousness and neurobiology of the brain. In: Florencia Abbate (ed.): Proyecto Golem 2003-5764, Buenos Aires-Praga. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2005, English translation on pp.373-384. ISBN 950-29-0857-0
  21. Höschl C.: Conceptual model of depression and its treatment. In:Perušičová J.(ed.): Depressive conditions [Depresivní stavy]. Medical Tribune CZ, Praha 2005, p.34-47 (51p). ISBN 80-239-6304-X
  22. Höschl C., Dragomirecká E.: Czech Republic. In: Jané-Llopis,E. & Anderson,P.(Eds).(2006). Mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention across European Member States: a collection of country stories. Luxembourg: European Communities, pp. 51-54.ISBN-10: 92-79-01160-X
  23. Höschl C.: Endokrinní systém a psychiatrie [Endocrine system and psychiatry]. In:Blahoš J., Zamrazil V.(eds.):Endokrinologie-interdisciplinární obor.Praha, Triton 2006, s.227-240.ISBN 80-7254-788-7
  24. Höschl C.: Význam Freuda pro současnou medicínu [Relevance of Freud in contemporary medicine]. In: Loužek M.(ed.): 150 anniversary of Sigmund Freud [Czech].Ekonomika, právo, politika (Cep) č.51/2006:19-31. ISBN 80-86547-56-6
  25. Höschl C.: Introduction to the Czech edition of "Discover the way to proceed" (support to everyone suffering from schizophrenia). Tigis, Praha 2006, pp. 100. ISBN: 80-903840-2-2.
  26. Höschl C. Foreword. In: Miovský et al., Cannabis and cannabioid drugs [in Czech]. Grada publ., Praha 2008, 544p.
  27. Höschl C.: Challenges in Concept and Practice. In: Herrman H., Maj M., and Sartorius N.(eds.): Depressive Disorders.Third Edition. Wiley-Blackwell, 2009:81-83.
  28. Höschl C. Entries in: Malina J. et al.: Dictionary of Antropology [Antropologický slovník] (with regard to the history of literature and art): what everyone could know about man. Brno, Academic Publishing [Akademické nakladatelství] CERM, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7204-560-0.
  29. Höschl C.: First-generation antipsychotics. In: Ian P. Stolerman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Psychopharmacology. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010
  30. Höschl C. and van Niekerk J.: Recruitment of Psychiatrists: the Key Role of Education. In: Gask L, Coskun B, Baron D (eds.): Teaching Psychiatry: Putting Theory into Practice. Wiley 2010.
  31. Dogra N, Höschl C, Moussaoui D: Developing a Medical Student Curriculum in Psychiatry. In: Gask L, Coskun B, Baron D (eds.): Teaching Psychiatry: Putting Theory into Practice. Wiley 2010.
  32. Höschl C. Emotions and Psychiatry. In: Höschl C, Praško J, Rokyta R. (eds.): Emoce v medicíně [Emotions in medicine]. Academia Medica Pragensis, Praha 2011, pp. 127-134. ISBN 978-80-86694-99-3
  33. Höschl C.: Foreword. In: Perušičová J, Diabetes mellitus and brain. 2013, Maxdorf, Praha 2013, pp. 11-14, ISBN 978-80-7345-336-7
  34. Höschl C. Sociobiology of depression [in Czech]. In: Rokyta R, Höschl C (eds.): Emotions in medicine II & III. Praha, Mladá fronta 2014, pp. 53-56.
  35. Höschl C. Reward deficiency syndrome [in Czech]. In: Rokyta R, Höschl C (eds.): Emotions in medicine II & III. Praha, Mladá fronta 2014, pp. 141-152.
  36. Höschl C. Epilogue. In: Styron W. Darkness visible [in Czech]. Paměti šílenství. Portál, Praha 2015
  37. Höschl C. Placebo and Pain [in Czech]. In: Rokyta R, Höschl C (eds.): Bolest a regenerace v medicíně [Pain and regeneration in medicine]. Czech Medical Academy, Axonite publ., Praha 2015, pp. 21-24. ISBN 978-80-88046-03-5
  38. Höschl C. Security of uncertain times. In: Sedláček T. & guests: How will we live in 20 years? 65. pole publ., 2016, pp.42-49. ISBN 978-80-87506-81-3
  39. Höschl C. QBFFF. In: Veis J. (editor): Actually, I was lucky in my life. Festschrift to 85th Anniversary of Prof. MUDr. Jiří Schindler, DrSc. Edition Osobnosti [Personalities] of 3. LFUK, Charles University, 3rd Medical Faculty, Praha 2016, pp. 153-155
  40. Höschl C. Depression and time - therapeutic implications [in Czech]. In: Rokyta R, Höschl C (eds.): The best of contemporary Czech medicine. Czech Medical Academy [Česká lékařská akademie], Axonite, Praha 2016, pp.12-17
  41. Höschl C, Španiel F. Umění a (neuro)věda. [Art and (Neuro)science]. In: Horáček J, Kesner L, Höschl C, Španiel F (eds): Mozek a jeho člověk, mysl a její nemoc [The Brain and Its Man, Mind and Its Illness]. 1. vyd. (1st Edition), Galén publishing, Praha 2016, pp.203-209 .
  42. Höschl C. Why I like music. Patrons of Prague Spring. Prague Spring. 73rd international music festival 12.5.-3.6.2018
  43. Höschl C. Bedřich Smetana - Illness and work. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Bohemicae, Praha 2018, pp. 2019-225
  44. Höschl C. Small worlds theory. In: Havlínová I, Kardoš R., Salavová M. (eds.): Krupobytí. FF UJEP, Ústí nad Labem 2019. ISBN 978-80-7561-149-9
  45. Höschl C., Čermáková P.: The role of restricting access to potentially lethal medication in suicide prevention (pp 709-712). In: Oxford Textbook of Suicidology and Suicide Prevention. (Ed. Danuta Wasserman). Oxford University Press 2021. ISBN 978-0-19-883444-1.
  46. Höschl C .: These times have taught us to love what we lose - especially our freedom. Interview with Dr. Jaroslava Sladka. In: Mikšová et al. [eds.]: Interviews with personalities of the Covid period. EEZY Publishing 2021, pp. 61-69. ISBN 978-80-908101-1-2
  47. Krupchanka D., Winkler P., Germanavicius A., Pfeiffer J., Höschl C., Plevachuk O., Suvalo O.: Central and Eastern Europe. In: Psychosis: Global Perspectives, Oxford University Press, 2023, ISBN: 9780198735588
  48. Preface II to the book by Seth J. Gillihan, Ph.D. Rewire Your Brain, a workbook for managing depression and anxiety. Pages 10-11. Translation published by Improovio Publishing, Ltd. 2024. ISBN: 978-80-909221-0-5